Biology 203

  1. Phylum - Echinodermata
    • 1. Calcareous endoskeleton composed of separate plates called ossicles
    • 2. Adults with 2nd radial symmetry, larvae bilaterally symmetrical
    • 3. Water vascular system - locomotion and prey capture
    • 4. Gut complete except where scondarily incomplete (lost)
    • 5. No special excretory organs
    • 6. Nervous system usually with a central nerve ring and radial nerves
    • 7. No parasitic forms
    • 8. Dioecious
  2. Phylum - Echinodermata
    Class - Echinoidea
    • 1. Sea urchins, sand dollars
    • 2. 5000+ spp.
    • 3. No arms - body round or disc shaped
    • 4. Fused ossicles - endoskeleton which is called a "test", primarily composed of Calcium carbonate
    • 5. Unique chewing devise termed "Aristotle's Lantern"
    • 6. Locomotion by movable spines - primary and secondary spines - with scattered tube feet (podia)
    • 7. Numerous pedicellaria in most species (little pinchers)
    • 8. Dioecious
  3. What class has no arms and its body is round or disc shaped?
    Class - Echinoidea
  4. What class has fused ossicles? (endoskeleton which is called a "test", primarily composed of Calcium carbonate)
    Class - Echinoidea
  5. Phylum - Echinodermata
    Class - Holothuroidea
    • 1. Sea cucumbers
    • 2. 7,000+ spp.
    • 3. Deposit and suspension feeders
    • 4. Complete digestive tract
    • 5. No spines or arms
    • 6. Unique respiratory tree for gas exchange
    • 7. Cuverian tubules, eviscerate gut when disturbed in some species
    • 8. Dioecious
    • - These orgnisms breathe through their anus
  6. What Class do sea stars belong to?
    Class - Asteroidea
  7. What Class do Sea urchins and sand dollars belong to?
    Class - Echinoidea
  8. What Class do Sea cucumbers belong to?
    Class - Holothuroidea
  9. What class does not have any spines or arms?
    Class Holothuroidea
  10. What Class breathes through their anus?
    Class - Holothuroidea
  11. Phylum - Echinodermata
    Class - Ophiuroidea
    • 1. Brittle or serpent stars
    • 2. 2,000+ spp.
    • 3. Body stellate - 5 plus arms
    • 4. Arms "clearly" set off from the central disc
    • 5. Ambulacral grove closed (solid)
    • 6. Podia are pointed - no suckers
    • 7. Anus lacking
  12. What Class do brittle or serpent stars belong to?
    Class - Ophiuroidea
  13. What Class has arms "clearly" set off from the central disc?
    Class - Ophiuroidea
  14. What Class is the ambulacral grove closed (solid)?
    Class - Ophiuroidea
  15. What Class lacks an anus?
    Class - Ophiuroidea
  16. Phylum - Echinodermata
    Class - Crinoidea
    • 1. Sea lillies
    • 2. 5,000+ spp.
    • 3. Most primitive class among the Echinodermata
    • 4. Pelagic and benthic
    • 5. Suspension feeders
    • 6. Extensive fossil record
    • 7. Dioecious
    • - Pelagic - free swimming in the water column; ex. a fish
    • - Benthic - living in or on top of the substrate
  17. What Class has a unique respiratory tree for gas exchange?
    Class - Holothuroidea
  18. Pelagic...
    • - free swimming in the water column; ex. fish
    • - characteristic of the Class - Crinoidea
  19. Benthic....
    • - living in or on top of the substrate
    • - Characteristic of the Class Crinoidea
  20. What Class do Sea lillies belong to?
    Class - Crinoidea
  21. Fused ossicles...
    endoskeleton which is called a "test", primarily composed of Calcium carbonate
  22. What class has a eversible stomach?
    Class Asteroidea
Card Set
Biology 203
Phylum - Echinodermata