Social Class
According to Weber; a large group of people who rank close to one another in wealth, prestige, and power; according to Marx's, one of the two groups: capitalist who owns the means the production or workers who sell their labors.
Material possessions: animals, bank accounts, bonds, buildings, businesses, cars, furniture,, land, and stocks.
The total value of everything one owns, minus the debts.
Money received, usually from a job, business, or assets.
The ability to get your way, even over the resistance of others
Power Elites
C. Wright Mills terms for the top people in the U.S. Corporations, military, and politics who make the nation's major decisions
Respect or regard
Status Consistency
Ranking high or low on all three dimensions of social class
Status Inconsistency
(Status Discrepancy)
Ranking high on some dimensions of social class and low on others
The position that someone occupies in a social group
Durkheim's term for a condition of society in which people become detached from the norms that usually guide their behaviors.
Contradictory Class Locations
Erik Wrights term for a position in the class structure that generates contradictory interest.
A group of people for who poverty persists year after year and across generations.
Intergenerational Mobility
The change that family members make in social class from one generation to the next
Upward Social Mobility
Movement up the social class ladder
Downward Social Mobility
Movement down the social class ladder
Structural Mobility
Movement up or down the social class ladder that is due to changes in the structure of society, not to individuals efforts.
Exchange Mobility
About the same number of people moving up and down the social class ladder; such that, on balance , the sociaal class system shows little change
Poverty Line
The official measure of poverty,; calculated to include incomes that are less than three times a low-cost food budget
[The] Feminization of Poverty
Refers to the situation that most poor families in the U.S. are headed by women
Culture of Poverty
The assumption that the values and behaviors of the poor make them fundamentally different from other people, that these factors are largely responsible for their poverty, and that across generations by passing these characteristics to their children
Differed Gratification
doing without something in the present in the hope of achieving greater gains in the future
Horatio Alger Myth
the belief that due to limitless possibilities anyone can get ahead if he or she tries enough