Describe Purpose & Scope of The Joint Commission
Set Standards & Subsequently Accredit Thousand of Hospitals, Home Health Care, Long-Term Care, & other Organizations Based on those Standards
The Joint Commission & ___ Collaborated on Creating Core Measures of Quality Imporvent
CMS (Centers for Medicaid & Medicare)
Core/Accountability Areas. Be Able to ID at Least 4.
- AMI (Acute Myocardial Infarction)
- HF (Heart Failure)
- Pneumonia Care
- Surgical Care
- Childen's Asthma Care
- Inpatient Psychiatric Service
- VTE (Venous Thromboembolism) Care
- Stroke Care
Describe what FOCUS-PDCA stand for & how it Relates to Quality Improvement.
- Find a Process to Improve
- Organize a Team Who Understands the Process
- Clarify Current Knowledge of the Process
- Understand the Causes of Variation in Process
- Select the Improvement that Needs to Take Place
- Plan Imporvement Based on Studying the Opportunity
- Do the Improvement
- Check the Result by Collecting & Analyzing Data
- Act to Hold the Gain if Process was Imporved OR go Back to the Drawing Board & Try Something Else While Going thru Cycle Again
Describe Relationship b/t Continuous Quality Improvement & Pharmaceutical Care.
to Maintain Superior Pharmaceutical Care, You must Keep up with Continuous Quality Improvement
Continuous Quality Improvement
- For a Group or Population
- Comprised of Individual Encounters w/ the Health System
Define Pharmaceutical Care
- For an Individual
- Responsible Provision of D Therapy for the Purpose of Achieving Definite Outcomes that Improve a Patient's Quality of Life
4 Outcomes that Improve Patient's Quality of Life
- Curing Disease
- Reducing or Eliminating Symptoms
- Arresting or Slowing of Disease Process
- Preventing Disease or Symptoms
ID 8 Categories of D-Related Problems
- Untreated Indication
- Improper D Selection
- Subtherapeutic Dosage
- Failure to Receive a D
- Overdosage
- Adverse D Rxn
- D Interaction
- D Use w/o Indication
Describe Roles of Structure & Process as they Relate to Outcomes
ECHO Model stands for:
- Economic
- Clinical
- Humanistic
- Outcomes
Provide example of Economic, Clinical, & Humanistic Outcomes as Describe in the ECHO model.
Economic Outcomes
(Examples: Cost Effective Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cost-Utility Analysis)
- *Direct Cost:
- ~Prevention, Detection, & Treatment (Hospitalization, Immunization, Lab Tests, Ds, etc.)
- *Indirect Cost:
- ~Morbidity or Mortality due to Disease (Time away from School/Work
- *Intangible Cost:
- ~Pain, Suffering, or other Non-financial Aspects of Care
Clinical Outcomes
(Ex: Decrease BP, ^ Heart Rate, Morbidity, Mortality)
Medical Events that Occur as a Result of Disease or Treatment
Humanistic Outcomes
(Ex: Health-Related Quality of Life, Patient Preferences, Patient Satisfaction, Willingness-to-Pay)
- Resuls of Disease or Treatment on Patient's Functional Status or Quality of Life
- Measured as Phsical or Social Functioning, General Health Perceptions, Well-Being
From the Hepler & Strand article, Describe 5 Causes that Lead to < Optimal Outcomes
- 1. Inappreopriate Prescribing
- ~Inap. Regimen (D, Dosage Form, Dose, Route, Dosage Interval, or Duration)
- ~Unnecessary Regimen
- 2. Inappropriate Delivery
- ~ D not Available when Needed b/c of:
- (1)Economical Barriers (Pharmacy doesn't stock, Patient Can't/Won't Purchase)
- (2)Biopharmaceutical Barriers (Inappropriate Formulation)
- (3)Sociological Barriers (Institutional D Distribution or Patient Caretaker Fails to Administer D)
- ~Dispensing Error Involving
- (1)Incorrect or Inappropriately Labeled Rx
- (2)Incorrect or Missing Patient Info or Advice
- 3. Inappropriate Behavior by Patient
- ~Compliance w/ Inappropriate Regimen
- ~Noncompliance w/ Appropriate Regimen
- 4. Patient Idiosyncracy
- ~Idiosyncratic Response to D
- ~Mistake or Accident
- 5. Inappropriate Monitoriing
- ~Failure to Detect & Resolve an Inappropriate Therapeutic Decision
- ~Failure to Monitor Effects of Treatment Regimen on Patient
3rd Party Payer
Insurance Company (Entity) that Pays
3 Step Process for Billing Rx
- 1.) Determine Price of Product
- *Provider (pharmacy) determines based on cost of D
- *will not necessarily be paid by provider
- 2. Claim is Sent from Provider to 3rd Party Payer...Online Billing Begins
- *NPI, NDC, Cost, Dispensing Fee
- *Patient Contract Info (3rd Party Reviews Contract w/ Patient & Provider)
- 3. Reimbursement "Promise" Sent to Provider
- *Provider Receives what 3rd Party agrees to Pay
What happens after 3 Step Process for Billing Insurance Takes Place?
- *Collect Data for Each Payer
- *Reimbursement & Reconciliation
- *Discrepancies
- *Re-file Discrepancies
Why 3rd Party Payers also Collect & Use Rx Data, & Why they May also Conduct Audits.
- *Look for Statistical Outliers (ex. 6oo test strips, 30 day---not realistic) or charging too much for product
- *If provider is outside norm, payer can conduct audit
- *Create Chargebacks
Describe when MTM got started & how MTM is associated w/ Medicare Part D
Medicare Rx D, Improvement, & Modernization Act of 2003 (Medicare Modernization Act) created Medicare Part D which is required to have some form of MTM
Describe why Medicare was Chosen to be Associated w/ MTM
Medicare Beneficiaries =20% of All Health Care Spending
Discuss the Criteria for Medicare Beneficiaries to be Eligible or MTM Services
- Multiple Chronic Diseases
- Multiple Part D Covered Ds
- likely to Incure Annual Costs for Medicare Part D covered Ds > $4,000
Describe Who may Provide MTM Services
Pharmacists or Other Qualified Providers
Discuss the Focus of MTM Services
Optimize Medication Usage to Reach Target Therapeutic Outcomes & Reduce Adverse Effects & D Interactions
Discuss the Goals of MTM Services
- 1. Enhanced Understanding of Appropriate medication Usage & Adverse D Events thru Patient Edu
- 2. Increase Adherence to D Regiments
- 3. Detection of Adverse D Events & D Over/Under Use
Discuss what CMS has Stated that MTM Services may Include
- 1. Providing Patient Edu & Training
- 2. Health Status Assessments
- 3. Developing or Formulating Rx D Regimens
- 4. Evaluating & Monitoring Patient Response to D Therapy
- 5. Coordinating Care w/ the Patient's Health Care Team
Describe what's Needed before Beginign MTM Services
- 1. Consistent Documentation & Charting Process
- *SOAP Note Format (Subjective Data, Objective Data, Assessment, Plan)
- *Methods for Collecting Objective Data
- *Methods for Communicating w/ Physicians
- 2. HIPAA Paperwork (to obtain Patient's Paperwork)
- 3. Dedicated Sit-Down Edu Area
- 4. Address Workflow Issues w/ Staff...MTM Sessions should NOT be Interrupted
- 5. Set Aside Dates for MTM Appt. (no Mon or 1st of Mth)
Discuss thoroughly the 5 Essentials of an MTM Program & Each of their Components
- 1. Medication Therapy Review
- *Brown Bad of all Ds (including OTCs)
- *Prevent, ID, & Resolve all D-Related Problems
- *Each D:duplicate, indication, adverse, expired, directions, dose, route, time, generic, any untreated disease
- 2. Personal Medication Record
- *Patient has list of all Ds (Dosage, Route, Time, Indication, Special Instructions, Start/Stop Date), Dr & Pharmacists info
- 3. Medication Action Plan (1 for Patient & 1 for Dr)
- *Patient(D issue, steps to resolve, method for measuring outcome, follow up method)
- *Dr (SOAP/SBAR note format for patient visit SBAR note format (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation), elements of patient action plan, recommendations for D adjustments, thereapeutic sub., request lab data, any add. recommendation)
- 4. Intervention &/or Referral
- *PhD addresses Med. Issues, Communicates w/ all Health Providers, & Refers Appropriate Provider
- 5. Documentation & Follow-Up
- *Consistent Documentaion w/ All Patients (keep for 10 years...Medicare Requirement)
Discuss Issues Related to Health Reform & MTM Services
Discuss what's Required for Part D plans that Pay Community Pharmacists to do this Service
Discuss thoroughly the Importance of Medication Adherence Monitoring to MTM, including the 3 Main Reasons for Non-Adherence & How these can be Resolved