The way in which people respond to one another?
Social Interaction
Assigned to a person by society without regard for the person's unique talents or characteristics?
Ascribed Status
Attainted by a person largely through his or her own effort?
Achieved Status
Status that dominates others and thereby determines a person's general postition within society?
Master Status
People with similar norms, values, and expectations who regularly and consciously interact?
Characterized by intimate, face-to-face association and cooperation?
Primary Group
The totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge, material objects, and behavior?
An abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all aspects of culture?
Rules governing specific behavior?
Norms that are deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society?
Children shape and form their attitudes, beliefs, and behavior, based on cultural messages they receive from?
Parents, siblings, mass media, religion, and educational programs
The systematic study of human society?
A research method in which investigators systematically observe people while joining them in their routine activities?
Participan Observation
Refers to going alone with one's peers who have no special right to direct a person's behavior?
True or False?
Sexual orientation is the same as gender identity.
True or False?
The Amish could be considered a counter culture.
True or False?
Everyone buying the same notebooks for class from Walmart is an example of bereaucratic alientation.
True or False?
Rape breaks a more.
True or False?
The tv show Family Guy is an example of high culture.
Rules on how to behave that people do not pay much attention to?
Going alone with an idea in a group because the other group members go alone with it. Leads to narrow views?
A conflict amoung the roles corresponding to two or more statuses?
Role Conflict
Two aspects of a bureaucracy?
Writing and job specialization
Agents of socialization?
School, family, peers, and mass media.
The new term for the Third world or non-industrial poor countries?
Low income
People lack resources that others take for granted?
Relative Poverty
A life-threatening lack of resources?
Absolute Poverty
Patterns of social inequaity in the world as a whole?
The process by which some nations enrich themselves through political and econmomic control of other nations?
A crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their occupation?
Whilte Collar Crime
Negative evaluation because of a perceptible sign that distinguishes a person as deviant?
Behavior which is disapproved of by most people n society and which does not conform to societies norms and values?
The unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and woman?
Gender Stratificiation
The advocacy of social equality for men and women, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism?
Personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female and male?
A form of socialization in which males dominate females?
A form of social organization in which females dominate males?
Comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sxual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcome?
Sexual Harassment
True or False?
Modernization theory is a model of econmoic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of technological and cultural differences between nations.
True or False?
Attempts by society to regulate people's thoughts and behavior are called stigmatization.
True or False?
Basic feminist ideas include expanding human choice.
True or False?
The movement of individuals or groups from one position of society's stratification system to another is called social distribution.
True or False?
Intergenerational mobility refers to change in social position within an individual's life time.
True or False?
Most poor people in the U.S. are really in absolute poverty.
True or False?
Neocolonialism refers to exploitation that took place in the past.
True or False?
Liberal feminism seeks the elimination of gender itself.
True or False?
The victims of human trafficking are used for prostitution and forces labor.
Three types of slavery found in today's world?
Chattle slavery, child slavery, and women being forced into marriage.
A type of religious organization that stands apart from the larger society?
A sect
The belief that elements of the natural world are conscious life forms that affect humanity?
Marriage that unite a person with two or more spouses?
A family consisting of parents and children as well as other kin?
Extended Family
A soical bond based on common anceestry, marriage, or adoption?
The text states that industrialization changed the econmy in all of the follwing ways except:
Manufacturing and mass production
Wage Labor
Centralization of work in factories
New sources of labor
New sources of labor
An ideal capitalist economy has three distinctive features which include all of the following except
Pursuit of monopolies
Competition and consumer choice
Private ownerhip of property
Pursuit of personal profit
Pursuit of monopolies
An economic and political system in which companies are privately owned but cooperate closely with the government?
State capitalism
An economic system in which natural resources and the mans of producing goods and service are collectively owned?
Giant corporations composed of many smaller corporations?
Power that is legitimized by respect for long established cultural patterns?
Traditional authority
A political system that denies the people participation in government?
A productive system based on service work and high technology?
Post Industrial
All the folling are part of the movement toward a global economy except
Global division of labor
Products pass through many nations
National governments no longer control the econmoic activity within their borders
Many differing companies control a vast share of the world's wealth
Many differing companies control a vast share of the world's wealth
Minorities have two important characterisitics. They share a distinct identiy and:
They are subordinate
All of the follwoing are theories of prejudice except:
Authoritarian personality theory
Culture theory
Conflict theory
Socialization theory
Culture theory
A socially constructed category composed of people who hare biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important?
A shared cultural heritage?
A rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people?
An exaggerated description applied to every person i some category?
True or False?
The sharing of a household by an unmarried couple is called homogamy?
True or False?
We define most objects, events, and experiences as sacred, an ordinary element of everyday life
True or False?
The part of the economy that involves services rahter than goods is the primary sector
True or False?
Bilogical reproduction by partners of different racial categories is called miscegenation.
True or False?
A state in which people of all races and ethnicites are distinct but have equal social standing is assimilation.
What are the two different types of plural marriage?
Polgny and Polyandry
the most common type of family and locality in the present day U.S?
Nuclear family and nelocality
Which of the following is a latent function of schooling?
Teaching basic literacy
Teaching about the U.S. way of life
Providing child care
Teaching job skills
Providing child care
The practice of including people with disabilities in regular educational classes and programs is called?
Social epidemilogy is the study of?
The distribution of health and illness in a population
The 2010 health care reform bill passed by Congress...?
Requires all families to purchase medical insurance, regulated by the government, by 2014
Which of the follwoing is not one of the ways that large bureaucratic schools undermine education?
Rigid uniformity
A lot of student responsibility
Rigid expectations
A lot of student responsibility
A state of complete physcial, mental, and social well being?
An approach to health care that emphasizes prevention of illness and takes into account a person's entire physical and social environment?
Holistic medicine
A medical care system in which the government owns and operates most medical facilities and emloys most physicians?
Socialized medicine
Patterns of behavior defined as appropriate for people who are ill?
Sick role
All of the floowing are the functions of schooling except:
Cultural innovation
Social intergration
Assurance of social equality
Assurance of social equality
When people move into an area?
Business centers some distance from the old downtowns?
Edge Cities
Which of the following is not one of the sources of social change?
A society in which prosperity and bureaucracy have weakened traditonal social ties?
Modern Society
A capitalist society with pronounced social stratification?
Class Society
The incidence of childbearing in a society's population?
Level of reproduction that maintains population in a steady state?
Zero population growth
The process of social change begun by industrialization?
The concentration of population into cities?
True or False?
The role of government in paying for medical care is greater in the U.S. than in all other high income nations
True or False?
The U.S. health care system may be accurately described as socialized medicine?
True or False?
Schooling in all countries relects cultural values.
True or False?
One latent function of schooling is establishing social relationships and networks
True or False?
The crude death rate is a good measure of a society's overall fertility
Two funcitons of schooling?
To get job skills and learn basic things
Name the three things that happen to chance culture?
Invention, Discovery, and Diffusion