Which is the best response to describe whycustomers consolidate?
To simplify their infrastructure
What type of hard drive technology is power efficient, runs cooler and takes up less space?
Solid State or Flash Drives
2 reasons why customers would choose tooutsource their IT.
It's not their core business.Financially better for them.
The fundamental responsibility of an ITdepartment is?
Manage information through the use of computersand other technology
A customer call with an executive should be focused on which?Understand the customer's real requirementsTCO and ROI numbersA Business discussion rather than a technical discussion
Understand the customer's real requirements
TCO and ROI numbers
A Business discussion rather than a technical discussion
TCA is the same as ROI
Which of the following provides the mediationbetween hardware and the applications?
The Operating System
2 statements about Networking that are FALSE?
You can share only printing resources
All data must still be maintained at the workstation
What factors would you consider when discussing GREEN with a customer?
Reduced power consumption
Disposal of assets
Operating procedures and efficiency
True or False: A workstation cannot act as a server – it must be a specifically designed machine.