Opening of rectum, undigest food particles excreted.
Facial Nerve
Sensory/motor nerve originates from Medulla Oblongata and innervates the facial and digastric muscles, taste buds, and salivary glands.
Mandibular Gland
Secrete milk to nourish young.
Hard Palate
Bony plate separating rostral portion of oral cavity from the nasopharynx in mammals.
Parotid Duct
Small canal leading from the parotid gland to oral cavity through which the parotid gland releases salivary enzymes into mouth.
Parotid Gland
Rather large salivary gland located near the ear of pig.
Enlarged oval-shaped region cranial to the trachea that contains the vocal chords.
Cartilaginous tube extending from larynx to lungs, air is transported through this.
Muscular passageway connecting mouth/oral cavity to stomach.
Endocrine gland, produces Thymosin. Located near Larynx.
Thyroid Gland
oval-shaped endocrine gland located on ventral surface of trachea. Produces thyroxine and calcitonin.
Pumps blood throughout vessels.
Muscular sheet used to ventilate the lungs of mammals.
Large multi-lobed organ. Secretes bile, filters toxins and nutrients from the blood and stores sugars.
Gall Bladder
Located underside of Liver. Stores bile and releases it into duodenum.
Digestive resorvoir for food. Stores food, chemicals secreted from walls which break down food and prepare them for absorption in intenstines.
Connective membrane that suspends body of organs in the abdominal cavity and holds them together.
Pericardial Membrane
Thin tissue surrounding and protecting the heart.
L R Ventrical
Large muscular chamber of heart, pumps blood out of heart into artery.
Coronary Arteries
One of several small arteries that supply heart with freshly oxygenated blood.
Vena Cava (cranial/caudal)
- Cranial: Major vein returning deoxygenated blood from the upper extremities of the body to the right atrium of the heart.
- Caudal: Major vein returning deoxygenated blood from the lower extremities of the body to the right atrium of the heart.
flap-like outer region covering the cranial portion of the atrium.
L R Atrium
Chamber of the heart that receives blood.
Pulmonary Artery/Vein
- Artery: short blood vessels which [in adult] carry deoxygenated blood from the R ventricle of the heart to the lungs
- Veins: blood vessels which [in adult] carry oxygenated blood from lungs to the left atrium of heart.
Large artery arising from the left ventricle that distributes blood the the regions of the body.
Ductus Arteriosus
Short connection joining pulmonary trunk with the aorta and allowing a portion of the blood from trunk to enter the aorta instead of flowing to the lungs, found only in fetus.
???chiocephalic Vein/Trunk (Artery)
Juglar Veins (Internal & External)
Thyrocervical Trunk (Artery) [Missing]
Adrenal Gland
Endocrine gland located medial to the kidney, produces hormones which mediate responses to stressful situations and control blood pressure and carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
Excretory unit, filters blood creating highly concentrated metabolic by-product (urine) which is sent to urinary bladder. Also maintains homeostatic balance of salts, fluid, and ions within the body.
Tube that transports urine from kidney to the urinary bladder for storage.
Tube that leads from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body, transports urine and semen.
Urinary Bladder
Membranous sac that stores excreted urine from kidneys.
Bulbourethral Glands
Accessory glands of the male reproductive system located at base of penis and urethra that produce alkaline secretions that assist in lubrication during intercourse and neutralize acidity of vagina.
Highly coiled tubule system that cups around the testis and serves as storage and transportation canal for mature sperm.
External reproductive organ of male, deposits semen in reproductive tract of female and carries excretory wastes in form of urine out of body.
Seminal Vesicles
Accesory glands of male system located near the junction of urthra and base of penis; in pigs they secret alkaline fluids that neutralize acidity of vagina and nutrients to promote sperm motility and hormones to stimulate uterine contractions.
Scrotal Sacs
Pouch extending from the caudal region of male, contains 2 testes. Their presence helps testes to be slightly lower in temperature than rest of abdominal cavity.
Umbilical Cord
Attachment between maternal placenta and fetus which gasses, nutrients, and nitrogenous wastes are transported.
Urogential Opening
Opening of urethra (in males) or the urogenital sinus (in females) through which urine passes and is eliminated from the body.
Soft Palate
Cartilaginous region of roof of mouth that separates oral cavity from the nasal passageway, located towards back of mouth.
Sublingual Gland
Salivary gland located underneath the skin alongside the tongue of the pig.
Cartilaginous flap that covers the glottis to prevent food from entering the larynx and trachea when swallowing.
Opening in oral cavity that leads from nasopharynx to the larynx & trachea
Granular organ located along left margin of the duodenum. Produces digestive enzmes and a variety of hormones.
Pancreatic Duct
Canal which digestive enzymes from pancreas are transported to the duodenum.
Common Bile Duct
Tubule through which bile is transported from liver to gallbladder and gallbladder to duodenum.
Ductless vascular organ in abdomina cavity. Stores blood, recycles worn out red blood cells and makes lymphocytes.
First portion of the small intestin; functions primarily in final stages of chemical digestion and begins process of nutrient absorption.
Distal portion of small intestine extending from the jejunum to the cecum; responsible for absorption of nutrients.
Middle portion of small intestine extending from duodenum to ileum, responsible for nutrient absorption.
Blind projection located at the junction of ileum and colon, serves as a sac where fermentation of cellulose occurs.
From cecum to rectum, large intestine, reabsorption of water that has been added through digestive process.
Reabsorb water and produce dry, concentrated feces.
Opening of rectum through which undigested food (feces) expelled from body
Hepatic Portal Vein
Large portal that carries nutrient rich and toxin laden blood from small intestines and pancrease to liver for detox and regulation before blood goes throughout rest of the body.
Mesenteric Arteries/Veins
External Iliac Veins/Arteries
Umbilical Artery/Vein
- Artery: Paired vessels that carry blood from fetus to the placenta
- Vein: Single vessel that carries O2 and nutrient rich blood to the fetus from the fetal side of the placenta.
Produces sperm and hormones (reproductive organ of male)
Vas Deferens
Tube connected to the epididymis that transports sperm from the testis through the epididymis to the urethra during ejaculation.
Reproductive organ in females, produces eggs and hormones
Tube by which the egg, leaving the ovary, is carried to the uterine horns
Region which embryonic development occurs.
Female reproductive canal leading from the cervis to the urogenital sinus.