BIOL 223 Chapter 15-1

  1. What is the difference between sensation and perception?
    • Sensation - receptor activated by sensory input
    • Perception - conscious awareness of the sensation
  2. Tactile information that we are consciously aware of are known as:
    somatic senses
  3. Information that we are unaware of, such as blood pressure and heart rate are known as _______ senses.
  4. Sight, taste, smell, and hearing are considered to be the:
    special senses
  5. List the four steps that occur when processing sensation.
    • sensory receptor is stimulated
    • receptor potential - local potential occurs within the receptor
    • generator potential - action potential sends information up to the brain
    • transduction - sensory information is sent to the appropriate sensory cortex
  6. What is a receptor potential?
    The local potential that occurs within the receptor.
  7. What will occur during a generator potential?
    If threshold is reached, an action potential sends information up to the brain
  8. What happens if transduction does not occur?
    It is as if the sensation wasn't there.
  9. True or False: Humans cannot perform transduction on certain types of information such as high sonic frequencies or UV light.
  10. True or False: Sensory receptors have specificity, meaning that pain receptors cannot detect temperature.
  11. The connection between the receptor and the sensory cortex is known as the:
    labelled line
  12. Receptors have areas they can monitor known as:
    receptor fields
  13. Small receptor fields correspond to _______ receptors which can localize stimuli precisely.
  14. Less sensitive receptors correspond to _______ receptor fields.
  15. Define adaptation in relation to sensory perception.
    A decrease in sensitivity to a long lasting stimulus
  16. Where does peripheral adaptation occur?
    at the level of the receptor
  17. List the two types of adapting receptors.
    • fast adapting receptors
    • slow adapting receptors
  18. When a receptor is still active but the sensory cortex no longer responds, it is known as what type of adaptation?
    central adaptation
  19. Which type of tactile receptor has a small receptive field and is very sensitive.
    fine touch and pressure receptors
  20. A crude touch receptor will have a _______ receptor field and be _______ sensitive.
    large, less
  21. Which type of tactile receptor responds to itch and tickle sensations and is comprised of branching dendrites.
    free nerve endings
  22. Which type of tactile receptor responds to light touch and superficial pressure?
    Merkel's disc
  23. Which tactile receptor distinguishes low frequency vibration and two point discrimination?
    Meissner's corpuscle
  24. Distortion, or movement of the hair, is perceived by the:
    root hair plexus
  25. This tactile receptor perceives deep pressure.
    Pacinian corpuscle
  26. This tactile receptor perceives continuous pressure.
    Ruffinian corpuscle
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BIOL 223 Chapter 15-1
Study Cards for Chapter 15 BIOL 223 CSN