infections caused by pathogens a person already has
cross infection
infections caused by pathogens acquied from another person
personal protective equiptment
- disposable gowns
- goggles
- disposable gloves
- disposable masks
can survive outside the body for months
HBV survives
up to a week
only infects someone wiht hep b
- short term incubation
- fecal contaminated food and water
- ABRUPT onset, anorexia, fatigue, nausea, dark urine, jaundice
- S\S 2 months duration
- handwashing and prope sanitation prevents
- vaccine available
- Long term incubation 50 - 180 days
- most significant occupational risk in US
- 30 % possible risk infecction with hypodermic
- INSIDIOUS onset, mild flu like S\S, anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, joint pain, severe fatigue for weeks, possiblly chills, rash, diarrhea, depression
- 30% no S\S
- can have chronic phase
- can cause lifelong infection, cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failure
- most common bloodborne viral infection in us
- 40-60% of chronic liver disease in US
- Infected may develop cirrhosis or liver cancer
- INSIDIOUS onset, s\s anorexia, nausea, vomiting, jaundice
- Interferon\ribaviran 24 weeks to 2 years is treatment
- possible with acupuncture, but mostly with direct passage of blood through skin with hollow needles
- requires presence of HBV, defective virus
- HBV vaccine effective against HDV
- fecal-oral
- large outbreak in developing countries
- 20% mortality rate for pregnant women
- SUDDEN onset of fever, malaise, nausea, anorexia, jaundice may be present
- not chronic
- NO vaccine
- -virus turns CD4 (T4) cells into reproduction factory, destroying them and immune response eventually
- -interrupts cell mediated response to antigens
- -blood to blood contact more direct method
- -gram positive, coagulase positive
- -skin to skin contact
- -readily transmitted from patients to healthcare workers, staff, and other patients
prevent MRSA spead
- -hand washing, hand disinfectants
- -barrier protection
- -proper handling of contaminated sharps, disposable supplies
- -avoid contact with draining wound
basic CNT principles
- -always wash hands btwn patients
- -always use sterile needles
- -always establish clean field
- -always wash hands prior to inserting needles if hands have become contaminated
- -always isolate used needles
CNT washing hands
- -liquid soap reccomended
- -vigorous rubbing for 10 seconds under running water