bony pelvis bones
- 4bones
- 1. two innominante (coxal)bones
- ilium,ischium, pubis
- 2. sacrum
- 3. coccyx
iliopectineal line
- plane of division from superior sacrum to superior pubis symph
- separated true and false pelvis
False pelvis
aka greater or major pelvis above the brim
True pelvis
lesser or minor pelvis below the brim, pelvic cavity
muscles of pelvic cavity
- posteriolateral=piriformis and coccygeus muscles
- anteriolateral=obturator internus
- pelvic floor= levator ani coccygeus
abdominal wall
- xiphoid process to symphasis pubis
- paired rectus abdominis muscles anterior
- external oblq , internal oblq, transversus abdominis antero laterally
muscles of false pelvis
psoas major and iliacus muscles to form iliopsoas muscles (do not enter true pelvis)
psoas major
originates at transverse process of lumbar vert and descend to pelvic side walls
iliacus muscle
false pelvis from pelvic side wall joins with psoas to form iliopsoas
- anterior to the hip and inserts into lesser trochanter on posterior femur
- does not enter true pelvis
- echogenic center due to nerves, vessles, lymphatics
True pelvis muscles
- piriformis
- obturator internus
- pelvic diaphragm muscles
piriformis muscle
flat triangular muscles from aterior sacrum and pass through greater sciatic notch to superior greater troochanter on femur
obturatir internus muscle
- triangular sheets of muscle that go from anteriolateral pelvic wall pass out of pelvic cavity to superior greater trochanter of femur
- supports bladder
- forms lateral side walls of pelvis
levator ani
- 3 muscles like a hammock across pelvic floor
- coccygeus
- piriformis
- run anterior and medial
- aterior to psoas major muscle
- enter bladder at trigone
- anterior to internal illiac arteries
- posterior to ovarian/uterine arteries
vagina size
- anterior wall 9cm
- posterior wall 10cm
- 90 degree angle with cervix
- mucosal lining
arch like recess at upper portion of vaginal canal, blind pockets, ring shaped space
uterine size
- 6-8cm x 3-5 x 3-5
- fundus body cervix
- cornua- where fallop. tubes attach
uterine layers
- serosa or perimetrium
- myometrium
- endometrium
uterine supported in midline by
- broad
- round
- uterosacral
- cardinal
broad ligament
- double folds of peritoneum that drape over fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries
- lateral side walls of uterus to pelvis walls
- contains uterine blood vessles and nerves
upper fold of broad ligament that encloses fallopian tubes extends from cornua of uterus
posterior portion of broad ligamentthat encloses the ovaries
round ligament
- fibrous cords below in layers of broad ligament
- insert into labia majora
- hold fundus and body forward
cardinal ligament
- holds cervix to pelvic walls
- spoke wheel shaped
uterosacral ligament
- holds cervix to pelvic side walls
- cord like ligament
less than 90 degrees
greater than 180 degrees
loss of support allows uterine cervix to drop into vagina
menstural phase
- uterine
- from day 1 of mensturation
- average 3-5 days
- FSH increasing causing follicular develop wich produces estrogen
proliferative phase
- days 5-14
- corresponds with follicular phase
- estrogen increases as follicle develp
- estrogen makes uterine lining regenerate
- day 5 or completion of menst. or when there is enough estrogen to shut off FSH
- dominant follicle
secretory phase
- uterine
- day 15-28
- corresponds to luteal phase
- under influence of progesterone (corp lut) the endomet is edematous
- estrogen shuts off prior to ovulation causing FSH and LH surge
- LH causes follicle to rupture at day 14
- 14 days later is menstruation
- anovulatory women never experience this phase
Ischemic phase
- uterine
- day 22-28
- occurs if no fertilization
- progesterone and estrogen low
- FSH on the rise
Ovary layers
cortex- outermost layer- ova develops- horomone production
medulla- innermost layer with blood vessles connective tissue nerves and lymphatics
follicular phase
- ovarian
- follicle develops under influence of FSH
luteal phase
- ovarian
- LH causes mature follicle to rupture at day 14
- egg survives 6-9 hrs after ovulation
- sperm survive 36-72 hours after ejac
hypothalamus secreted horomones
- LRH- luetinizing releasing horomone
- GRH- gonadotrophin releasing horomone
anterior pituitary glad horomones
- FSH- follicle stimulating horomone
- LH- luetinizing horomone
- prolactin
estrogen and FSH
- when one is high the other is low
- negative feedback system
ovarian ligament
- cord like ligament that anchors ovaries
- runs from lateral to posterior portion of uterus to lower pole of ovary
removal of fallopian tubes and ovaries
follicular development
- occurs in inner cortex and migrate out
- theca cells- outter
- granulosa cells- inner
- at birth 100,000-600,000 primary follicles, 500 will mature
infundibular ligament
- suspensory
- superior extension of broad ligament
- runs from upper pole of ovary to pelvis sidewalls
space of retzius
potential space anterior to bladder and posterior to pubic symphasis bone
aspiration of fluid from posterior cul de sac via puncture of posterior fornix of vagina
anterior cud de sac
- vesicouterine pouch
- potential space located anterior to uterus and posterior to urinary bladder
hematomas post c-section
bleeding between periods
nude ovary
no peritoneal covering
suspensory ligament (infundibulopelvic)
support ovaries laterally from infundibulum of fallop tube
ovaries on broad ligament
attach to posterior via mesovarium
internal illiac feeds..
- bladder
- uterus
- vagina
- rectum
menstration intervals less than 21 days