Meperidine (Demerol)

  1. Trade Name
  2. Class
    Opioid analgesic
  3. Mechanism of Action
    Syntheic opioid agonist that acts on opioid receptors to produce analgesia, euphoria, respiratory and physical depression; a schedule II drug with potential for physical dependency and abuse.
  4. Indications
    Analgesia for moderate to severe pain.
  5. Contraindications
    Hypersensitivity to narcotic agents, diarrhea caused by poisoning, patients taking MAOI's, during labor or delivery of a premature infant, undiagnosed abdominal pain or head injury.
  6. Adverse Reactions
    Respiratory depression, sedation, apnea, circulatory depression, arrhythmias, shock, euphoria, delirium, agitation, hallucinations, visual disturbances, coma, seizures, headache, facial flushing, increased ICP, nausea, vomiting.
  7. Drug Interactions
    Do not give concurrently with MAOI's (even with a dose in the last 14 days!). Exacerbates CNS depression when given with these medications.
  8. How Supplied
    50/mL in 1-mL prefilled syringes and Tubex.
  9. Dosage and Administration
    Adult: 50-100 mg IM, SC or 25-50 mg slowly IV.

    Pediactric: 1-2 mg/kg/dose IV, IO, IM, SC.
  10. Duration of Action
    Onset: IM: 10-45 minutes; IV: immediate.

    Peak Effect: 30-60 minutes.

    Duration: 2-4 hours.
  11. Special Considerations
    Pregnancy safety: Category C. Use with caution in patients with asthma and COPD. May aggravate seizures in patients with known convulsive disorders. Naloxone should be readily available as antagonist.
Card Set
Meperidine (Demerol)
Paramedic Pharmacology