Which of the following statements applies to the autonomic nervous system?
D) The receptor molecules of the ANS may be muscarinic, nicotinic, or adrenergic
A nerve, which causes the smooth muscle of a blood vessel wall to constrict, contains __________ neurons.
C) autonomic
Which organ is not directly innervated by the autonomic nervous system?
D) skeletal muscle
Efferent neurons of the
E) ANS utilize two neurons in series to connect the CNS to the effector.
Arrange the following in correct sequence:
1. autonomic ganglia and ganglionic synapse
2. synapse with target tissues
3. preganglionic neuron
4. postganglionic neuron
C) 3, 1, 4, 2
In the sympathetic division of the ANS,
C) the preganglionic cell body is located in the lateral horn of the spinal cord.
Preganglionic fibers from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord are part of the ____ division of the ANS.
The parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by
C) short postganglionic axons near the organs they innervate.
The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS differ in the
- E) A,B and C are all correct.
- A)length of the preganglionic and postganglionic axons.
- B)location of the preganglionic cell bodies.
- C)position of the ganglia where preganglionic and postganglionic neurons synapse.
Sympathetic fibers leave the spinal cord in the
D) thoracic and lumbar regions.
Chain ganglia are part of the
B) sympathetic branch of the ANS.
The short connection between a spinal nerve and a sympathetic chain ganglion is called the
A) white ramus communicans.
Axons exit the sympathetic chain ganglia by all of the following except
B) cranial nerves.
Sympathetic preganglionic axons
E) can synapse in either chain or collateral ganglia.
Consider the following situation: Sympathetic preganglionic axons enter a sympathetic chain ganglia. In order for these axons to reach collateral ganglia, they must now travel through
A) a splanchnic nerve.
The celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric ganglia are _____ ganglia.
E) collateral
Sympathetic stimulation of the postganglionic cells of the adrenal medulla causes the release of
C) epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Parasympathetic ganglia are called ____ ganglia.
D) terminal
The vagus nerve carries parasympathetic impulses to the
D) thoracic and abdominal viscera.
Approximately _____ of all parasympathetic neurons course through the vagus nerve.
D) 75%
Parasympathetic preganglionic axons from the sacral region of the spinal cord course through ____ nerves that innervate the ____.
B) pelvic; lower colon and reproductive glands
Which of the following nerves has parasympathetic axons?
A) facial
Which of the following neurons is most likely to be adrenergic?
C) postganglionic sympathetic
The membranes of all postganglionic neurons in autonomic ganglia have
D) nicotinic receptors.
Effector cells that respond to acetylcholine released from postganglionic neurons have
B) muscarinic receptors.
When acetylcholine binds with nicotinic receptors, the response is
B) excitatory.
The two classes of adrenergic receptors are
A) alpha and beta.
Adrenergic receptors
A) can be activated by the release of epinephrine.
When acetylcholine binds to autonomic muscarinic receptors,
C) intestinal motility increases.
Sympathomimetic agents activate
C) adrenergic receptors.
Atropine causes the pupil of the eye to dilate by blocking the effect of muscarinic receptors. This means atropine is a(n)
D) parasympathetic blocking agent.
Which of the following drugs would be the best choice to use in chronic asthma to dilate the bronchioles?
D) beta-adrenergic stimulating agents
Beta-blockers (beta-adrenergic blocking agents) are frequently used to
D) prevent increases in heart rate.
Autonomic reflexes
B) are integrated somewhere in the CNS.
Autonomic reflexes might be integrated in the
- Correct Answer E (A,B and C correct)
- A)medulla oblongata.
- B)spinal cord.
- C)hypothalamus.
Which of the following occurs when the parasympathetic system is stimulated?
B) increased motility of the digestive tract
Which of the following statements is false?
C) Structures receiving dual innervation by the ANS are regulated equally by both divisions.
Which of the following statements is true?
A) The sympathetic division diverges more then the parasympathetic division.
John sees Martha; the pupils of his eyes dilate. It is "love at first sight." What division of the ANS is involved?
A) sympathetic division
Stimulation by the autonomic nervous system results in increase insulin secretion from the pancreas during and after a meal. The following are most likely to be true.
- A and B Correct
- A) increased insulin secretion is due to parasympathetic stimulation
- B) acetylcholine agonists will stimulate insulin secretion
When a person consumes a substantial amount of nicotine, the response is
- A and B are Correct
- A) increased parasympathetic responses
- B) increased sympathetic responses
Acetylcholine will cause the pupil of the eye to constrict. A drug acts on receptors for acetylcholine to cause the pupils of the eye to dilate. Nicotine does not bind to receptors in smooth muscle cells of the iris. Therefore, the drug which causes the pupils to dilate is a
B) muscarinic blocking agent
The thoracolumbar division is another name for the _____ division of the ANS.
The parasympathetic division of the ANS is also called the _________ division.
Cholinergic neurons secrete _________.
A neuron that secretes norepinephrine would be a(n) _________ neuron.
The celiac ganglion is one of the three main _________ ganglia.
Axons from preganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division synapse with _________ ganglia.
- . effects are more general
- . can produce widespread sweating
- . has greater influence during physical activity
- . stimulation of this system often activates many effectors at the same time
- . effects more localized
- . increases activity of GI tract
- . effects are short-lived
- . inhibits heart rate but stimulates contraction of urinary bladder
- . provides more extensive innervation of G.I. Tract
- .