day 2 psych

  1. Humanistic theory: Self Concept
    the believe we have of ourselves about our own nature, qualities, and behavior
  2. Congruence
    life is balanced with your ideal self and reality self
  3. incongruent
    life is not balanced with ideal self and reality self
  4. Unconditional positive regard (UPR)
    • positive behavior toward a person with no contingencies attached.
    • - unconditional love
  5. Social Cognitive theory: Self-efficacy
    how one believes they can master a skill or achieve a goal.
  6. Reciprical determinism
    - S.C

    -Bandura's belief that cognitions, behaviors, and the environment interact to produce personality
  7. External locus of control
    means one lets external factors take control over them

    -they feel as if they are the victims
  8. Internal locus of control
    means one can control their emotions internally without letting external factors take control of them.

    -they arent victims
  9. Psychiatry
    study of psychological disorder
  10. Psychological disorder
    pathology and or sickness in how we think, feel, or behave.
  11. DSM-IV-TR
    book developed by APA used to describe abnormal behaviors.
  12. 4 things DSM-IV-TR does...
    • -organizes
    • -categorizes all mental disorders
    • -diagnose
    • -codes for all mental disorders
  13. Insanity
    a complicated legal term

    -at the time of the crime, they did not know difference from right or wrong.
  14. Anti-social
    • -feels no remorse
    • -sociopaths and psychopaths
    • - rapists, serial killers, ponzi-schemers
    • - exploit weaknesses and do not feel remorse
    • - only 18 and up can be diagnose
  15. Conduct disorder
    • -17 and younger needs help
    • -leads to anti-social
  16. 4 criteria to determine abnormal criteria
    1. Statistical infrequency

    2. Disability or dysfunction

    3. Personal distress

    4.Violation of norms
  17. (criteria for abnormal behavior) Statistical Infrequencies
    • - is the problem frequent or infrequent
    • is it common in the population or rare...
  18. (criteria for abnormal behavior) Disability or dysfunction
    - are they able to life a regular normal life, without the behavior preventing them?
  19. (criteria for abnormal behavior) Personal Distress
    - does it affect greatly a person's functionabilty

    - issue with this is that some disorders do not make them uncomfortable so it can only be used as a flag
  20. (criteria for abnormal behavior) Violation of norms
    -does it violate culture rules in a particular situation?

    -this isnt reliable either, there are a distinct number of cultures that operate differently than ours
Card Set
day 2 psych
psych, humanistic, social cognitive theories, and abnormal behavior