PhysLab Final Cardio

  1. Represents the driving force that pushes the blood throughout the systemic circulation
    Mean arterial pressure (MAP)
  2. MAP =
    DBP + [(SBP-DBP)/3]
  3. Pressure in the veins which drives blood flow into the heart
    Venous return
  4. Rate at which a ventricle pumps blood in L/min
    Cardiac Output (Q)
  5. Cardiac Output (Q) (L/min) =
    HR x SV
  6. Volume of blood ejected from one ventricle with each beat
    Stroke volume
  7. Normal resting Q for adult at rest
    5.0 L/min
  8. Front of arm opposite the elbow where u can feel pulse which is where u place stethoscope. What is the artery called?
    • Antecubital area
    • brachial artery
  9. When taking BP, listen for the ___ sounds. First thud represents ___. Fifth thud represents ___.
    • Korotkoff
    • SBP
    • DBP
  10. _____ = slow HR
    _____ = fast HR
    • bradycardia
    • tachycardia
  11. The ____ is activated when BP is increased or decreased
    baroreceptor reflex
  12. baroreceptors are located in (2) and respond to ___
    • aorta
    • carotid bodies
    • chgs in BP
  13. When standing quickly, gravity pulls blood towards feet, resulting in a ___ in BP b/c of ___ in venous return to heart. The baroreceptors respond by ___ HR and ___ TPR, and triggering a ____ in sympathetic activity. This causes BP to ___.
    • drop; decreased
    • increase; increase
    • increase
    • increase
  14. Measure of the amount of O2 extracted by the tissues from blood during one trip around systemic circulation
    Arteriovenous O2 difference (a-v O2 diff)
  15. What affect does heavy exercise elicit on the a-v O2 difference and why does this occur?
    Heavy exercise causes the a-v O2 difference to increase because the muscles must extract more oxygen from the blood within the veins.
  16. Which type of exercise should be prescribed to a
    person with congestive heart failure?
    Dynamic exercise would be recommended for someone with CHF because there would be less strain on the heart due to a lower cardiac output and a higher venous return than during static exercise.
  17. The larger the blood volume of LV at the end of diastole the larger the volume of blood pumped out per beat. (theory)
    Frank-Starling Law
  18. what is the importance of FrankStarling Law?
    • Adjusts stroke volume so that Q matches venous return
    • Inflow = outflow
Card Set
PhysLab Final Cardio
PhysLab Final Cardio