ANT 001

  1. Ardipithecus ramidus (5.6-4.4mya)
    • - Found in Aramis, Ethiopia
    • - less projecting and more "incisoform" canines. a derived trait found in Ardipithecus and in later hominoids
    • - Ardipithecus was found in a forested region negating the savana theory
  2. Anatomical changes with bipedalism
    • 1. curved spinal column
    • 2. differently shaped pelvis
    • 3. thigh bone (femur) angles inward
    • 4. bigger knee joints
    • 5. non-grasping big toe
  3. Australopithecus afarensis (Pliocene)
    Found in Laetoli, Tanzania (E. Africa)

    • Was bipedal:
    • - angled femur
    • - knee surface flattened and broadened for stability
    • - pelvic blade shortened
    • - big toe convergent

    ..still not human w/short legs, long arms and curved fingers
  4. the teeth of A. afarensis are "intermediate" between ape and human:
    • 1. A. afarensis canine shows wear on the sides and on the tip (human/ape)
    • 2. First lower premolar was "intermediate" between a unicuspid chimp, and a bicuspid human
    • 3. The diastema is still present in A.afarensis but "intermediate" between human/ape
    • 4. Dental arcade is ape
  5. A. afarensis skull...
    • shows ancestral traits such as:
    • - strong prongnathism
    • - sagittal crest
Card Set
ANT 001
Lecture 15