Abnormal Behavior:
- behavior that is deviant, maladaptive, or
- personally distressful over a long period of time
Insanity vs mental illness
- insanity
- is a legal term that has nothing to do with mental illness, a judge decides if
- you are insane not a psychologist a judge has no psychology background.
Medical model
- a
- biological approach that dImage 2.png ¬escribes psychological disorders as
- medical diseases with a biological origin
- abbreviation
- for the diagnostic and statical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition; the
- current version of the APA's major classification of psychological disorders
Multiaxial system:
- treat
- the person not just the illness. Look at the whole person and not just the
- label.
on jars not kids not people.
Anxiety disorders:
- Psychological disorders that feature motor
- tension, hyperactivity, and apprehensive expectations and thoughts. Looks like
- somebody is having a heart attack.disrupts peoples life not talking about the
- normal anxiety but abnormal all people experience anxiety not everyone has
- abnormal anxiety
Generalized disorders
- disorders
- that stop you from daily living
Panic disorders:
- an anxiety disorder marked by recurrent sudden
- onsets of intense apprehension or terror
Phobic disorders
- commonly called phobia, an anxiety disorder in
- which the individual has an irrational, overwhelming, persistent fear of
- particular object or situation
- ob sessile compulsive disorder: an anxiety
- disorder in which the individual has anxiety provoking thoughts that will not
- go away (obsession) and/or urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to
- prevent or produce some future situation (compulsion).
- post traumatic stress syndrome: an anxiety
- disorder that develops through exposure to a traumatic event, severely
- oppressive situations, severe abuse, and natural and unnatural disasters
Mood disorders
- psychological disorders in which there is a
- primary disturbance in mood (prolonged emotion that colors the individual's
- entire emotional state) two main types are the depressive disorders and bipolar
- disorder
Depressive disorder
- mood disorders in which the individual suffers
- from depression ( an unrelenting lack of pleasure in life)
Bipolar disorder
- a mood disorder characterized by extreme mood swings that include one or more
- episodes of mania (an overexcited, unrelistically optimistic state)
- severe depression and other psychological
- disorders can cause individuals to want to end their lives
Dissociative identity disorder
- (DID) formerly called
- multiple personality disorder, this is the most dramatic but least common
- dissociative disorder; individuals suffering from this disorder have two or
- more distinct personalities or selves.
- the loss of memory; dissociative amnesia: a
- dissociative disorder involving extreme memory loss caused by extensive
- psychological stress
- dissociative fugue: a dissociative disorder in
- which the individual not only develops amnesia but also unexpected travels away
- from home ans assumes a new identity
Dissociative disorders
- psychological disorders that involve a sudden
- loss of memory or change in identity
Multipersonality disorder
mulitple disorder
- a severe psychological
- disorder that is characterized by highly disordered thought processes
Disorganized schizophrenia
- a type of schizophrenia in which an individual
- has delusions and hallucinations that have little or no recognizable meaning
Catatonia schizophrenia
a state of immobility and Unresponsiveness
Paranoid schizophrenia
- a type of schizophrenia that is characterized by
- delusions of reference, grandeur, and persecution
undifferentiated schizophrenia
- type of schizophrenia that is characterized by
- disorganized behavior, hallucinations, delusions, and incoherence
- false sometimes even preposterous,beliefs that
- are not part of the persons's culture
- sensory experience in the absence of real
- stimuli
Word salad
where some one says shit that dont make sense.
Personality disorders
- chronic, maladaptive cognitive-behavioral
- patterns that are thoroughly integrated into the individual's personality
- they are the killers. Do things to other people
- with no remorse. Know right from wrong. Don't like being told what to do
- are founded, cutters, you dont do what I want
- you to do or I am going to cut myself.
- Like chaos emotions which they feed off. Polarized on their thinking
what makes u you it never changes.
psychoanalytic theory
- personality are developed and solid by age 6
- -freud is father of psych theory.
- lived in vienna
- father of psych theory
- id-what youreally want and drives you
- superego-its your conscience.
- ego-makes decision makes it happen.
- id=it
- ego=I
- superego=above I
-id and superego are alway battleing.
humanistic theory
- tree hugers how you view yourself is how u act self concept.
- -developed by carl rodgers
self concept
our conscience representation of who we are.
humanistic theory
- tree hugers how you view yourself is how u act
- (self concept)
-debeloped by carl rodgers.
self concept
our conscious representation of who we are.
self concenpt
how we view ourselfs
-real self
-ideal self
real self-who we are real indentity
ideal self- what we should be, who we want to be we thingk wwe whould be perfect.
real self depends on ideal self.
unconditional positive regard
- you are perfect jus the war you r.
- being accepted regardless of your behavior.
traits theory
- concelptual theory
- -all part
- -five factor model
five factor mode
- openess
- conscientiousness-organized
- extraversion-social
- agreeableness-crankyness
- neuroticism-quarky
who invented social cognitive
theory views emphasizing concious awerness, beliefs, espectation, and goals.
what other terms did banduras coin.
reciprocal determinism
self efficacy
reciprocal determinism-we are in control of what happens to us.
self efficacy-the belief that one can master a situation and produce positive change.
biological perspective:
-Arousal levels
arousal levels- do things because they feel good.
neurotransmitters- how u feel about things.
perfsonality assesment
-self report
self report-measure personality charecteristic ties. it ask people directly wether specific items describe their personality.
MMPI-800 question test used on big issues going to court. differetn norms different test. its a type self report test
projective test
-Rorscharch inkblot
Inkblot- its a way to tell how a person view things.
TAT-tell a tale person is shown a picture and has a to tell a tale about it.
type a /b personalities.
resiliant/hardy personalities.
type a - competitive,hard-driven, impatient, hostile, high chance of heart disease.
type b- relaxed, easy going, related to good, social issues.
resilient hardy- responsible for yrself proble solver.
chp13 social pschology
study of how people think about influence and realte to other people.
a generalization about a groups characteristics we group to make it esiear to organize groups.
attritbution theory
trying to deter;mine the underlyining cause a person behavior makings sense trying to figure out why people do what they do.
attribution error
wee incorrectly lable why people do things blame our sorrundings for our mistakes.
false consensus effect
thinking poeple think the way we do especially in our group.
self serving bias.
taking credit for our succes and seny responsiblility for our failures.
our feeling and opinoins and beliefs about people, objects, and ideas.
social comparison
comparing yourself to other to makes yyou feel better or to improve yourself.
cognitive dissonance
- in your head you canno tbe a bad guy.
- -cause really high stress.
- -a persons psuchological disconfort caused by two inconsestant thoughts (somiking is bad for you but y do it anyway)
self perception theory.
look back on behaviors to change our attitudes.
unselfish interest in helping another person is the esception of doing domething for nothing.
social behavior whose objective is to harm someone either physically or verbally.
- -a change in a persons behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard.
- -information social.
- -normative social infleunce.
information social
the inflence other people have on us cbecause we want to be right.
discussing with IT geeks we go along with their opinion about what computer we should buy
normative social influence
belong to a group because you want to be part of the norm.
-you are still responsible for the choices u make.
-behavior that complies with explicite demands of the individual authority.
group influence
do things becuasee a group causes u to act a certain way.
- de-individuation
- social contagion
the reduction in personal identity and erosion of the sense of personal responsibility when one is part of a group
Social Contagion
doing things because a group is doing it.
imitative behavior involving the spread of actions emotions and ideas.
group decision making
risky shift & group polarization
you think different in a group then when you are alone. more likely of taking risk in a group.
-risky shift- the tendency for a group decision to be riskier than th average decisions made by the individual group members.
group polarization- tend to be in a group who think the way you do. and strengtning your opinion after group discussion.
group think
majority and minority influence.
group think- thinking the same way to be part of a group (goverment)and making the right decision is less important than maintaning group harmony.
-majority always wins, but if minority can influence some mjority people minority can win.
group indentity Us vs Them
- divided we fall united we stand.
- 1Ethnic Religion
- 2Relationship
- 3Vocations and avocations
- 4political affiliation
- 5sitgmatized identities.
- favor ones group ove other groups and ethnic.
- -it may underline prejudice, because you are not just implying your different but better than other groups.
negative attitude towrad on individual based on the individual membership in a particular group.
negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply becasue the person belongs to a group
task oriented cooperation
working togehter to accomplish a goal
chp 16
biological therapies
3 main ways to deal with them
- drug
- electroconvulsive therapy
- psychosurgery
type of drugs and what they do and cure
anti anxiety
anti depreseatn
anti psychotics
- ANTI ANXIETY-fixes anxiety, relax body to relax mind
- ANTI DEPRESEANTS-fixes depression, dealing with neurotransmitters, two types of depression (situational&clinical) clynical is given medication.
- ANTI PSYCHOTICS-fixes psychotic crazy, schizts side effect fixes tardire dyskinesia, this type of drug is a major tranqualizers.
- LITHIUM-fixes bipolar, lithium is salt. brain creates it.
electroconbulsive therapy ECT
- shock therapy
- given in small doses
a biological thearpy with inrreversible effects, that involves removal or destruction of brain tissue to improve the individuals adjustment.
a nonmedical process that helps individuals with psychological disorders recognize and overcome their problems.
maladaptive coping.
- developed by frued
- very frew people do this too expensive.
- maladaptive coping- childhood cray caused by people not being able to deal with stuff.
humanistic/ tree hugers
maladaptive behavior.
unconditional positive regard. crazy depressed perfect the you are.
behavior is learned (make this connection)
maladaptive behavoier learned.
- if you learn it you can unlearn it
- behavior is learned.
cognative/thoughts opposite of behavior
maladaptive thoughts
- you do what u do because of how you are thinking look at how you talk to yourself.
- if you change the way you think you change the behavior.
people having a toolbox of therapy of all different pieces.
individuals vs group
- individuals is $95 an hrk group is cheaper.
- how to deal with people in a group
- the therapist is the leader in a group
- somethngs are done better in groups and some are done better as individuals.
self help support groups
- talk with each other
- not facilitated by a therapist
- no therapy
- worst thing to happen to mental health.
- ridding of all crazy hospitals and have the crazies live in a neighborhood which was never made.
relationship allieance
- what a good therapist is and what good therapy looks liek building trust in your patient.
- the relationship between a patient and his therapist an important element of succesful psychotherapy.