Plasma and its composition
- Liquid portion of blood 55%
- Food, salts and O2 (3%) are dissolved within
- Wastes are dissolved and transported to excretory organs
- Hormones and other regulatory chemicals
Formed elements
Different types of cells and cell fragments suspended in plasma
Properties of Blood
- Adults have 4 - 6 L
- 7 - 9% of total body weight
- PH 7.35 - 7.45
- Can be stored for 6 weeks
Blood donation
- Blood must be "cross-matched" and "typed"
- Blood can only be stored for 6 weeks
- substance that reacts with the antigen that stimulated its formation
- causes their target antigen to stick together in clusters (agglutinate)
- Substance that stimulates the body to make antibodies
- Usually a foreign protein
ABO system
- 1. Type A blood: A antigens; contains anti-B antibodies
- 2. Type B blood: B antigens; contains anti-A antibodies
- 3. Type AB blood: A and B antigens; contains no antibodies (Universal recipient)
- 4. Type O blood: No antigens; contains anti-A and and anti- B antibodies (Universal donor)
RH system
- RH factor is an antigen
- Persons with RH negative blood develop antibodies against RH positive blood
- RH antibodies do not develop until 1st exposure
- Babies with RH positive blood and an RN negative mom risk erythroblastosis fetalis
- RhoGAM stops the mother's body from forming anit-RH antibodies
Plasma proteins
- Albumin: retain water in blood
- Globulin: antibodies that protect us from infection
- fibrinogen: needed for blood clots
- prothrombin: needed for blood clots
- Plasma minus its clotting factors (fibrinogen and prothrombin)
- Contains antibodies
Forced elements
- Red blood cells aka erythrocytes
- White blood cells aka leukocytes
- Platelets or thrombocytes
Myeloid tissue
- aka red bone marrow
- Creates new red blood cells (hematopoiesis)
- found in sternum, ribs and hip bones; vertebrae, clavicles and cranial bones
Lymphatic tissue
- creates white blood cells (lymphocytes and monocytes)
- found in lymph nodes, thymus and spleen
Causes of blood disease
- Disorders of formed elements
- Failure of myeloid and lymphatic tissues
- Could be genetic, viral infection, cancer, radiation or toxic chemicals
Aspiration Biopsy Cytology
- sample of myeloid tissue removed from illiac crest or sternum
- sample is tested to confirm or reject a diagnosis
Bone marrow transplant
- Myeloid tissue from a compatible donor is introduced intravenously to a patient
- hematopoietic stem cells may also be infused
Red blood cells (RBCs)
- aka Erythrocytes
- no nucleus or cytoplasmic organelles
- filled with hemoglobin
- exchanges O2 and CO2 with blood and body cells
- Helps maintain acid-base balance
- Normal range of 4.2 - 6.2 million per mm3
- red pigment in red blood cells
- combines with O2 to form oxyhemoglobin (carries 97% of O2 for cells)
- combines with CO2 to form carbaminohemoglobin (carries 20% of CO2)
Complete blood cell count (CBC)
- battery of tests to measure blood components
- routine aspect of physical exams
Hematocrit (Packed Cell Volume/PVC)
percentage of whole blood that is RBC
Buffy coat
Layer of white blood cells and platelets between plasma and RBCs after blood has been centrifuged
- blood disorder characterized by dramatic increase in RBC numbers
- blood viscosity is increased
- Signs and symptoms: hypertension, coagulation problems and hemorrhaging
- Treatment: blood removal, irradiation of bone marrow and chemo to suppress RBC production
- caused by inadequate RBCs, lack of hemoglobin, defective hemoglobin
- heart and respiratory rates are increased to compensate
Hemorrhagic anemia
decrease in RBC due to acute or chronic blood loss
Aplastic anemia
- Abnormally low RBC counts and destruction of bone marrow
- related to exposure to toxic chems (benzene, mercury), irradiation and certain drugs (chloramphenicol)
Deficiency anemia
- inadequate supply of a substance; usually iron or B vitamin
- Pernicious anemia: dietary deficiency of B12
- Folate deficiency anemia: Folic acid (B9); common among alcoholics and malnourished
- Iron deficiency anemia: lack of iron in diet; most common nutritional deficiency
Hemolytic anemias
- decreacsed RBC life span caused by an increased rate of destruction
- Sickle cell anemia: genetic disease caused by abnormal hemoglobin
- Thalassemia: production of abnormal hemoglobin and microcytic (small) RBC that are short lived
White blood cells (Leukocytes)
- Two types: granulocytes and agranulocytes
- fights infection
High WBC count
Differential WBC count
proportions of each WBC is reported within the WBC count
- Aka phagocyte
- granulocyte
- engulfs microorganisms through phagocytosis
- granulocyte
- protects against parasites and prasitic worms
- granulocyte
- secretes histamine
- produce the anticoagulant heparin
- biggest leukocyte
- agranulocyte
- defend by phagocytosis
- becomes a macrophage after leaving the blood stream
- B lymphocytes secrete antibodies
- T lymphocytes attack bacteria and cer directly
- Plama cells are B lymphocytes found in bone marrow cancer
White blood cell disorders
- Lymphoid neoplasms
- Myeloid neoplasms
Multiple myeloma
cancer of of mature B lymphocytes (plasma cells)
- blood cancers that affect WBC
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
- Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
- Chronic myeloid leukemia (MCL)
- Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
essential in blood clotting
stationary blood clot
moving blood clot