- Hugo Ball reciting the poem Karawane at the Cabaret Voltaire
- 1916
- Arp
- Collage Arranged According to the Laws of Chance1916-17
- Hoch
- Cut WIth the Kitchen Knife1919-1920
- Schwitters
- Picture with Light Center1919
- Grosz
- Pillars of Society1926
- Beckmann
- The Departure1932-33
- Kathe Kollwitz
- Municipal Lodging1926
- Malevich
- Suprematist Composition: White Square on White
- 1918
- Tatlin
- Model for Monument to the Third International1919-1929
- Matisse
- The Piano Lesson1916
- Picasso
- Three Women at the Spring1921
- Mondrian
- Tableau No II1921-25
- Rietveld
- Red and Blue Chair1917
- Rietveld
- Rietveld-Schroder House1924-25
- Chagall
- Paris Through the Window1913
- De Chirico
- The Melancholy and Mystery of a Street1914
- Masson
- Battle of the Fishes1926
- Miro
- Birth of the World1925
- Calder
- Lobster Trap and Fish Tail1939