NRES 211 Midterm

  1. Define Biodiversity
    • Biodiversity
    • is the totality of genes, species, and ecosystems in a region...that scientists
    • measure in different ways
  2. What're the levels of biodiversity?
    • species
    • genetic
    • ecosystems
  3. What is species diversity?
    • variety
    • of all different types of organisms in an area
  4. Define: Taxonomy
    • science
    • of naming organisms & classifying biological diversity
  5. What are 3 domains of heirarchal classification?
    • eukaryota
    • bacteria
    • archaea
  6. What're the kingdoms of Eukayota?
    • animalia
    • plantae
    • fungi
  7. animalia
    • multi-celled
    • heterotrophs
  8. plantae
    • multi-celled
    • photosynthesis
    • (producers)
  9. fungi
    • multi-celled
    • decomposers
  10. protista
    • - single-celled
    • - nucleus
    • - photosynthetic, grazers, predators
  11. Species
    • a group
    • of organisms that have distinct characteristics
  12. biological species concept
    • a
    • evolutionary lineage that is prevented from interbreeding
    • with other populations
  13. morphological species concept
    • defined
    • by a set of morphological traits that are unique to the species
    • (usually basis of identification)
  14. Phylogenetic / Darwinian species concept
    • group
    • of individuals that shares an ancestor
    • • lineage is
    • distinct with respect to other lineages
  15. species diversity
    variety of all different types of organisms in an area
  16. Species Richness
    number of different species within a given area
  17. Species Evenness
    relative abundance of a species
  18. Species Richness
    number of different species within a given area
  19. Genetic Diversity (variation)
    • no two individuals
    • are exactly alike in their genetic makeup
    • -individuals have
    • slightly different form of their genes
  20. locus
    The point where the gene is located on the chromosome
  21. allele
    • -different gene forms that exist for a given trait
    • -original differences arise via mutation
  22. genotype/phenotype
    genotype- all the alleles for an individual

    phenotype- expression of the gentype
  23. Gene Pool
    sum of all alleles found in a population
  24. allele frequency
    • how often each allele appears in a population (%)
    • (high genetic variation increases species ability to adapt)
  25. genetic bottleneck
    • event in which a significant % of a population (or species) dies or is otherwise
    • prevented from reproducing
  26. ecosphere
    • The global ecosystem of Earth
    • (same as biosphere)
  27. Ecosystem Diversity
    • variety of communities, habitats, & ecological processes within the ecosphere
    • • energy flow
    • • nutrient cycling
    • • succession & disturbance
    • • symbiotic relationships
    • • predator-prey relationships
  28. alpha diversity
    diversity within one area, community, ecosystem
  29. Beta diversity
    diversity between/among different communities or ecosystems
  30. gamma diversity
    • - diversity in a large area or continent
    • -considers both alpha & beta
    • diversity
  31. why should we protect biodiversity?
    • food
    • • pharmaceutical & industrial products
    • • energy
    • • recreational experiences / ecotourism
    • carbon sequestration
    • • climate regulation
    • • photosynthesis
    • • waste decomposition
    • & detoxification
    • • nutrient cycling
    • • purification of water
    • • pollination and seed dispersal
    • • pest / disease control
    • • soil genesis /
    • succession
    • • ecosystem
    • stability
    • • artistic /
    • spiritual inspiration
    • • accounting for uncertainty
    • • protection of options
Card Set
NRES 211 Midterm
Natural Resources midterm