Podiatry boards II

  1. What are some symptoms of inflammatory arthridities vs OA?
    Morining stiffness is the key, many patients with inflammatory arthritis will be stiff for an hour in the morning unless treated.
  2. you tap an arthritic knee and get a WBC count of 75,000, what is the most likely diagnosis.
    • This was impa\ortant on my rheum rotation.
    • <200 is normal
    • 200- 2000 is noninflammatory arthritis
    • 2000-75,000 inflammatory arthritis
    • >100,000 septic
  3. A 30 year old woman presents with pain in the wrists and mpj's and increase in joint spaces on radiograph, what is the most likely disease
    • Rhematiod
    • THey get joint space enlargement early on from pannus formation
    • More common in F
    • bilateral wrists
  4. These patients have a posative Shoebers Test/ cant flex their vertebral column well.
    That would be ankylosing spondylitis, their vertebral column fuses so the have a + schoeber's test. (that is tested by making 2 marks on a patients back, having them bend forward and then remeasureng, normal peoples skin will stretch and they have a significantly larger number when this is measured again.
  5. More common in males
    asymmetric joint narrowing
    effects large WB joints
    Keratoderma blennorrhagica
    this is Reactive arthritis
  6. THis bug accounts for 1/2 all septic arthridities in sexually active individuals
  7. Who is at high risk for septic arthritis
    Those with joint damage, immunocompromized
  8. What is the gold standard to Dx gout
    tap the joint and see neg birefringent chrystals, yellow when the light is parallel and bluue when perpendicular
  9. treatment for a Uric acid overproducerTreatment for a unxerexcretor
    • treatment for a Uric acid overproducer: Allopurinal
    • Treatment for a unxerexcretor Probebecid
  10. Most common joints in:
    Chrohn's and UC
    • Gout 1st MTPJ
    • RA hands and wrists
    • JRA: Knees elbows ankle or neck
    • AS: Spine
    • Reactive: large WB joints
    • Psoriatic: large and small including DIPJ's
    • Pseudogout: knee
    • SLE: pain in the small joints of the hands and feet
    • Chrohn's and UC: Knees, ankles, elbows, and Wrists
  11. AA woman, butterfly rash, renal cardiac, pulmonary, and cardiac problems
  12. Who gets CREST
    • That would be Scleroderma patients of coarse
    • Calcinosis
    • Raynauds
    • Esophageal dysmotility
    • Sclerodactyly
    • telangiecasia
  13. you see a patients x rays there is history of joint pain in the cc joint, there are:
    rat bites,
    punched out lesions
    martel's sign overhanging margins

    WHat is this
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Podiatry boards II