Psychology Test #3 - Module 3: Motivation

  1. Define Motivation.
    A need or desire that serves to energize behavior and to direct it towards a goal.
  2. List the six motivation theoretical perspectives.
    • - Instinct
    • - Drive Reduction
    • - Incentive
    • - Arousal
    • - Cognition
    • - Hierachy of Needs
  3. Define Instinct.
    Biologically determined inborn, unlearned patterns of behavior essential for surival.
  4. Instinct can explain much of animal and human ____________, but less so for humans.
  5. Define Drive-Reduction Theory.
    Physiological need creating a psychological state that drives behavior to reduce the need.
  6. Define Homeostasis.
    A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state and is the psychological goal of the drive-reduction theory.
  7. Drive-reduction theory is seen as __________ us towards a goal from an ____________ perspective.
    • - pushing
    • - internal
  8. Define incentive.
    A positive or negative environmental stimulus that movtivates behavior.
  9. From an _____________ perspective, incentives _______ us toward or away from something.
    • - external
    • - pull
  10. Neither _______________ or ____________ does not explain why we do things due to curiousity or thrill seeking reasons.
    • - incentives
    • - cognitives
  11. Define arousal.
    Maintaining a certain level of stimulation and activity.
  12. Define cognitive.
    Motivation through thoughts, expectations, and understanding of the world.
  13. Define Yerkes-Doson Law.
    The relationship between arousal and performance that states that our best performance is when we are moderately aroused.
  14. Define Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs.
    Motivation that progresses from meeting the most fundamental, basic biological needs to higher-order ones.
  15. List the five parts of Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs in order from most basic to highest order
    • - Physiological Needs
    • - Safety Needs
    • - Belongingness and Love Needs
    • - Esteem Needs
    • - Self Actualization Needs
  16. Define Physiological Needs.
    Need to satisfy hunger and thirst
  17. Define Safety Needs.
    Need to feel that the world is organized and predictible; need to feel safe, secure, and stable.
  18. Define Belongingness and Love Needs.
    Need to love and be loved, to belong and be accepted; need to avoid loneliness and alienation.
  19. Define Esteem Needs
    Need for self-esteem, achievement, competence, and independence; need for recognition and respect from others.
  20. Define Self-Actualization Needs.
    Need to live up to one’s fullest and unique potential.
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Psychology Test #3 - Module 3: Motivation
Practice questions for Motivation Module