
  1. Primary Dilution
    Dilution of embalming fluid from point of injection
  2. Secondary Dilution
    Dilution of already diluted fluids by fluids in body
  3. Fluid distribution
    Movement of embalming fluid from point of injection throughout blood vascular system
  4. Fluid diffusion
    Passage of embalming chemicals from capillaries into intercellular spaces
  5. Pressure filtration
    Passage of embalming chemicals through capillary walls because of positive intravascular pressure
  6. Osmosis
    Passage of solvent through semipermeable membrane from a dilute to concentrated solution
  7. Isotonic
    Two solutions of equal concentration
  8. Hypertonic
    Solution of greater concentration which is attracted to weaker concentration through semipermeable membrane
  9. Hypotonic
    Solution of weaker concentration which is attracted through membrane by stronger concentration
  10. Dialysis
    Separation of differing substances in solution because of their diffusibility through semipermeable membrane
  11. Anasarca
    Generalized edema
  12. Ascites
    Edema in abdominal cavity
  13. Hydrocephalus
    Edema of brain
  14. Hydrocele
    Edema of scrotum
  15. Hydrothorax
    Edema in pleural cavity
  16. Pre-injection solution
    Primary injection solution
  17. Embalming procedure for mutilated body part
    Sectional embalming
  18. Provides extravascular resistance to fluid distribution
  19. NOT objective of drainage procedures
    To increase secondary dilution of arterial fluid
  20. NOT expressed purpose for use of massage cream on body
    Help retard coagulation of protein
  21. NOT disadvantage of using hand pump to inject embalming fluid
    May be adapted to be used for aspiration
  22. Disadvantage of using gravity percolator for embalming
    Limited pressure range
  23. Purge which has color and odor consistent with that of arterial fluid solution
    False purge
  24. Air pressure apparatus used to embalm
    Compressed air
  25. Reliable sign of fluid distribution
    Distention of superficial vessels
  26. Embalming process in which injection of one common carotid artery is accomplished while other common carotid artery is occluded
    Restricted cervical injection
  27. NOT purpose for blood drainage
    Create dehydration
  28. NOT affect rate of flow
    Adjusting pressure knob
  29. NOT recommended method of stimulating blood drainage
    Application of cavity fluid compress
  30. Causes intravascular resistance to fluid distribution
  31. Relative temperature of primary dilution water used to embalm severely dehydrated case
  32. Method of creating injection pressure that incorporates air being forced under pressure into fluid chamber to displace embalming fluid into body
    Air pressure
  33. Procedure used to return body of emaciated case to normal contour and moisture content
    Restricted drainage
  34. "Normal" aspiration does not usually involve
    Cranial cavity
  35. NOT be condition that predisposes purge
  36. NOT cause of extravascular resistance to fluid distribution
    Thickened blood
  37. Jaundice fluid classified as
    Special arterial fluid
  38. Responsible for creating secondary dilution of arterial solution
    Deceased body
  39. Where to point trocar to access heart when handle of trocar is aligned with left anterior superior iliac spine
    Lobe of right ear
  40. When pointing trocar toward a point one-fourth of distance from right anterior superior iliac spine to pubic symphysis is trocar guide for
  41. Type of cavity treatment involves making of incision from xiphoid process of sternum to pubic symphysis of pelvic girdle
    Direct incision
  42. Nine region plan, region of abdominal pelvic cavity located immediately inferior to umbilical region
  43. Nine reagion plan, region of abdominal pelvic cavity located just lateral of umbilical region
  44. Nine region plan, abdominal region superior and lateral to umbilical region
  45. Accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity
  46. Treatment used for embalming of dehydrated body
    Large volume of dilute solution
  47. Treatment used when intravascular difficulties manifested during embalming process
    Low pressure, slow rate of flow
  48. Injection pressure which just overcomes vascular resistance and causes embalming fluid to enter arterial system at moderate and uniform rate
  49. Post mortem evacuation of any substance from any external orifice of body due to interal and/or external pressure
  50. Passing of solvent through semipermeable membrane from area of lesser concentration to area of greater concentration
  51. Speed at which embalming solution enters body
    Rate of flow
  52. Continuous injection of arterial solution with drainage taken at intervals
  53. Condition creates intravascular resistance to fluid distribution
    Vascular disease
  54. Center of blood drainage in embalming
    Right atrium of heart
  55. Directing trocar point toward intersection of fifth intercostal space and left mid-axillary line is trocar guide for
  56. Embalming pressure achieved in gravity embalming
    0.43 lb./ft.
  57. With embalming machine turned on and rate of flow valve closed, type of pressure shown on pressure gauge
    Potential pressure
  58. Distention of body tissues is complication of
  59. Characterizes lung purge
    Frothy white color
  60. Embalming case which predisposes to dehydration
    Cold water for dilution

    Primary injection

    Large volume
  61. Arterial fluid injected into edematous body
    Diluted by edema
  62. Point of entry for trocar when aspirating cavities
    2 inches above and 2 inches to left of umbilicus
  63. Special cranial cavity treatment is indicated in cases of
  64. Why rigor mortis is detrimental to embalming process
    Retards fluid distribution
  65. Condition which favors edema
    Carbon monoxide poisoning
  66. Does NOT favor dehydration
  67. NOT complication of edematous body
    Low moisture content
  68. Method of injection and drainage recommended for use in embalming cases which exhibit vascular disorders
    Intermittent method
  69. Solution for primary dilution for an edematous case
    More astringent than usual
  70. Emaciation cases, secondary dilution
    Less than usual
  71. High index fluids recommended
    Decomposition cases
  72. Clear embalming fluid usually purged from nose and mouth during preparation of cases dead of pulmonary tuberculosis
    Lung capillaries weakened by disease
  73. Arterial fluid injected into edematous body
  74. Lymph fluids of body help promote
    Secondary Dilution
  75. Improper positioning of head on headrest may interfere with drainage from
    Jugular vein
  76. Secondary dilution as related to embalming operation
    Caused by blood and lymph
  77. Dilution of arterial solution by fluids of body
    Secondary dilution
  78. Dilution of concentrated arterial fluid as perpared by embalmer
    Primary dilution
  79. Maximum average level of exposure to formaldehyde over an eight hour time period
    0.75 ppm
  80. Disinfectant and preservative found in hardening compounds
  81. Hardening agent in hardening compounds
    Plaster of paris
  82. Index is measure of fluid strength which considers percentage of
  83. High index fluids
    Definite firming
  84. Purpose for which cavity fluids would NOT be recommended
    Arterial injections
  85. Co-injection fluids used with
    Arterial solutions
  86. NOT characteristic of jaundice fluid
    High formaldehyde content
  87. Amount of HCHO measured in grams dissolved in 100 ml. of water
  88. Method of drainage in relation to injection in which both injection and drainage are allowed to flow freely throughout operation
    Continuous method
  89. Method of drainage in relation to injection in which injection is continued and drainage is taken at intervals
    Intermittent method
  90. Method of drainage in relation to injection in which an amount of arterial fluid is injected and then drainage is allowed to flow for period of time, each separately
    Alternate method
  91. Why embalmer removes as much blood as possible from body
    Diminish secondary dilution

    Remove intravascular discolorations

    Prevent disention
  92. Passing of arterial solution through capillary wall, caused by positive intravascular pressure
    Pressure filtration
  93. Passage of solvent through semipermeable membrane from dilute into concentrated solution
  94. Passge of arterial solution from capillaries into intercellular spaces
  95. Movement of embalming solutions from point of injection through arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins
  96. Secondary dilution of embalming fluid
    Injected arterial solution mixes with body fluids
  97. Embalmer prepares solution by adding concentrated embalming fluid to water in reservoir of injection device
    Primary dilution
  98. Injection and drainage in which both common carotids are raised
    Restricted cervical
  99. Injection and drainage in which injection is accomplished at one place and drainage is taken from another
  100. Drainage procedure in which injection and drainage are accomplished through same incision
    One point
Card Set
Embalming Compend (Injection, Fluid Dilution, Cavity Treatment)