AChE Inihibitors

  1. AChE Inhibitors - reversible (4)
    • Neostigmine
    • Physostigmine
    • Pyridostigmine
    • Edrophonium (enlon)
  2. AChE Inhibitors - irreversible (2)
    • Echothiophate
    • Malathion
  3. Cholinesterase regenerator (1)
  4. AChE I pharmacological effects (3)
    • Muscarinic effects - same as muscarinic agonists
    • Neuromuscular effects - strong contractions - paralysis
    • CNS effects - depression of areas that regulate respiration
  5. Reversible AChE I ADR's (2)
    • Muscle cramps
    • Weakness
  6. Reversible AChEI overdose
    DUMBELSS - excitation of skeletal muscle and CNS and respiratory depression (can be fatal)
  7. AChEI indication
    • Myasthenia gravis - autoimmune disease where Nm receptors are inactive due to antibodies
    • Allows ACh to function better
  8. Neostigmine facts and usage
    • Quaternay amine, can't cross BBB
    • Inactivated by AChE
    • Reverse NM blockade
    • Prevents post-op abdominal distention and urinary retention
  9. Physostigmine facts and uses
    • Natural tertiary alkaloid, gets into CNS
    • Reverses anticholinergic block in CNS
    • Used topically for Glaucoma
  10. Edrophonium use (on test!)
    Differential diagnosis of myasthenia gravis
  11. Irreversible AChEI facts (3)
    • Contain a phosphorous
    • Highly lipophilic
    • Extremely dangerous (nerve gases)
  12. Irreversible AChEI clinical use
    Glaucoma (ecothiophate ONLY)
  13. Cholinesterase regeneratos (1)
  14. Pralidoxime MOA and facts (3)
    • Reactivates ChE
    • Most effective at neuromuscular junction, less effective at muscarinic sites, ineffective in the CNS
    • Must be given ASAP
Card Set
AChE Inihibitors
AChE Inhibitors, Cholinesterase regenerators, Nicotinic agonists