Ophthalmic Agents

  1. balanced salt solutions
    • Krinse, Blinx, Irigate, Dacriose
    • irrigating solution
  2. acetylcholine chloride
    • Miochol-E
    • miotic, antiglaucoma agent
  3. pilocarpine hydrochloride
    • Pilocar, IsoptoCarpine
    • miotic antiglaucoma agent
  4. atropine sulfate
    • Atropisol, IsoptoAtropine
    • mydriatic
  5. phenylephrine
    • Neo-Synephrine
    • mydriatic
  6. tobramycin
    • Tobrex
    • antibiotic
  7. neomycin
    • Neosporin
    • antibiotic
  8. bacitracin
    • A-K Tracin
    • antibiotic
  9. cocaine solution(4%)
    • Cocaine solution
    • topical anesthetic
  10. tetracaine
    • Pontocaine
    • topical anesthetic
  11. lidocaine
    • Xylocaine
    • injectable anesthetic
  12. bupivicaine
    • Marcaine, Sensorcaine
    • injectable anesthetic
  13. mannitol
    • Osmitrol
    • osmotic diuretic
  14. betamethasone
    • Celestone suspension
    • steroid
  15. ketorolac
    • Acular
    • NSAID
  16. fluorescein sodium
    • Fluor-I-Strip,Flu-Glo
    • dye
  17. constrict
    to cause to contract or shrink; compress
  18. cycloplegia
    paralysis of the intraocular muscles.
  19. dilate
    to make larger or cause to expand.
  20. glaucoma
    abnormally high fluid pressure in the eye most commonly caused either by blockage of the channel through which aqueous humor drains or by pressure of the iris against the lens which traps the aqueous humor.
  21. miotic
    meds. that constrict the pupil by stimulating the sphincter muscle of the iris.
  22. mydriatics
    paralytic agents used to dilate the pupil prior to ophthalmoscopy.
Card Set
Ophthalmic Agents
generic & brand names and their categories