to stimulate needle and call qi
- scratch needle with fingernail
- thrust and lift
- fan hand across top of needles
- rotate needles
- flick needles
"de qi" feels to patient
heavy, dull, pressure, sore, distended, numb, spreading, can move along channel
de qi feels to practitionere
- needle being grabbed
- tightening or tissue around needle
- buzzy feeling
supplementing methods
- length of insertion - 20 min or less
- speed of thrust vs lift - slow and emphasize thrust
- rotation of needle - clockwise
- fewer needles
- flow of channel - with the flow
- cover hole with cotton ball
- breathe- insert on pt exhale
setting the whole mountain on fire
- insert needle, arrival of qi
- insert to first level, rotate back and forth
- insert to second level, stimulate
- insert to third level, stimulate
- lift quickly to first level
draining techniques
- 20 min or more
- strong stimulation
- rotation of needle - emphasis on counterclockwise
- amplitude- larger
- number of needles - more
- flow of channel- against channel
- emphasis on slow lifting
- uncover hole
- insert while patient inhales
penetrating the heaven of coolness
- insert needle
- insert to 3rd level
- needle lifted level by level with brief stimulation at each level
- for pain
- excess and deficient situations
even stimulation
- moderate stimulation
- rotate needle- even
- length- about 20 min
- thrust- emphasis on needle down and up
90 degrees from skin
transverse (superficial)
10-20 degrees
perpendicular angle
- most points
- esp when plentiful muscle
- UB 22-40
- Du 15, 16, 25
- thinner areas
- when directing qi to an area
- areas over organs
- UB 11-UB 21
- DU 9-14 slanted upwards
- thin areas of body
- scalp
- du 17-24
- lu 7
- ren 16-21
- liv 14
- st 7-st 6
ren 22
perpendicular .2 then oblique downwards