Manual Hematological Procedures

  1. Hematocrit
    Proportion of RBC's in whole blood
  2. Hemoglobin (Hgb)
    Fe containing pigment in the RBC's that carry oxygen
  3. Erythrocytosis
    abnormal increase in RBC's in circulation that occurs secondary to disorders
  4. RBC indices (aka red cell absolute value)
    measurement that describes the size and Hgb content of the RBC's. Used in the differential diagnosis of anemia.
  5. mean corpuscular volume (MVC)
    volume of corpuscles expressed in microliters or femtoliters

    -formula (Hct. * 10) / (RBC count)
  6. mean corpuscular
    measure of Hgb content of red cospuscles
  7. mean corpuscular Hgb concentration (MCHC)
    measure of concentration of Hgb in average RBC

    Hgb% x 10 / RBC count
  8. microhematocrit determination
    hematocrit determination done on an extremely small amount of blood by use of high speed centrifuge
  9. Hemacytometer
    device which counts concentration of cells in body fluid (eg. RBC's and WBC's in blood)
  10. Unopette
    method for diluting blood in preparation for counting blood cells
  11. supravital stain
    procedure in which living tissue is removed from the body and placed in a non-toxic dye solution
  12. anemia
    decreased oxygen delivery to the tissues
  13. polychromasia
    bluish-gray color of younger RBC's.

    sign of very active bone marrow
  14. anisocytosis
    variation of RBC size
  15. poikilocytosis
    variation in shape of RBC's
  16. platelet sateliteism
    platelets attach themselves to neutrophils in EDTA tubes.

    leads to low platelet counts
  17. polycythemia
    excess of RBC's in peripheral blood
  18. rouleaux
    group of RBC's arrange in "role of coin" patterns.

    due to abnormal protein coating on RBC's

    seen in multiple myeloma and waldenstroms macroglobulinemia
  19. at what rate should the microhematocrit rotor be placed when determining Hct.
    14,500 RPM for 5 min.
  20. the Hct. duplicate results should be within ____% of eacother?
  21. reference range of Hct. for an adult male?
    42 - 52%
  22. reference range of Hct. for an adult female?
    37 - 47%
  23. reference range of Hct. for an infant?
    30 - 43%
  24. reference range of Hct. for a newborn?
    53 - 65%
  25. Hgb is oxidised to methemoglobin by which reagent?
    Drabkins (Potassium ferricyanide)
  26. reference range of Hgb. for an adult male?
    14 - 17 g/dL
  27. reference range of Hgb. for an adult female?
    12 - 16 g/dL
  28. reference range of Hgb. for an infant?
    9 - 14 g/dL
  29. reference range of Hgb. for a newborn?
    17 - 23 g/dL
  30. the Hgb. in patient with sickle cell anemia tends to?
    crystalize, thus falsely elevating the Hgb. value
  31. to compensate for the false increase in turbidity of sickle cell anemia patients, the sample must first be diluted using what?
    Deionized Water
  32. what method is used for a WBC count?
  33. in the unopette method, what 3 diluents are used?
    ammonia oxalate (lyses, dilutes, preserves WBC's)

    thimerosal (antibacterial)

    sorensens buffer (maintains pH)
  34. reference range for WBC for an adult?
    4.8 - 10.8 E^3/mm^3
  35. reference range for WBC for a newborn?
    9.0 - 30.0 E^3/mm^3
  36. during a WBC count, why would NRBC's be a problem?
    hematocyte cannot tell a WBC from a NRBC
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Manual Hematological Procedures