Ant 002

  1. Surface Reconnaissance
    Looking for artifacts and features on the ground surface
  2. Cultural Deposits
    Have additional material in the sediment, usually darker in color, may contain charcoal or stone not usually found in the area
  3. Subsurface Testing
    • - Coring
    • - Auger Testing
    • - Shovel Testing
    • - Test Excavations
  4. Remote Sensing
    • - Satelite Imagery
    • - Aerial Photography
    • - Ground Penetrating Radar
    • - Metal Detector
    • - Soil Chemistry (e.g., phosphorus, DNA)
  5. Vertical Dimension Excavation
    • Arbitrary Levels
    • - Vertical units of equal size
    • - Size decided by investigator (5cm, 20cm arbitrary levels)

    • Natural Stratigraphic Layers
    • - Formed by environment
  6. Excavation Strategies
    • - Location and type depends of the problem you are trying to solve
    • - Culture historians dug trenches to get at stratigraphy -> PROFILE (Time, Space, Form)
    • - Cultural reconstructionists and processualists wanted to open horizontal -> PLANVIEW (Behavior)
  7. "Rice Chex" method
    With this method you leave a balk or space on the grid between each unit; both vertical and horizontal views are discontinous
  8. Checkerboard method
    • - Divide area to be excavated into grid; excavate every other unit
    • - Horizontal view is discontinuous
    • - Vertical stratigraphy is continuous, but only exposed after excavation
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Ant 002
Lecture Highlights