Chapter 9 - Arthritis

  1. All of the following are arthropathies that have SKIN manifestations. Match the disease with manifestation:

    1. Psoriatic arthritis A. Rash

    2. Reiter's syndrome B. Butterfly rash

    3. Septic arthritis C. Keratoderma blennorrhagica

    4. Lyme disease D. Psoriasis

    5. SLE E. Erythema chronicum migrans
    • 1. D
    • 2. C
    • 3. A
    • 4. E
    • 5. B
  2. What is the common systemic finding between reiter's syndrome and gout?
    • Nasopharynx and ear
    • Reiter's syndrome has stomatitis
    • Gout has tophi
  3. Which two arthropathies include eye manifestation?
    • Reiter's syndrome = conjunctivitis
    • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis = Iridocyolitis
  4. Which 3 arthropathies have GI tract manifestations?
    • Crohns disease - Diarrhea
    • Whipple's disease - Diarrhea
    • Ulcerative colitis - Diarrhea
  5. Which 3 arthropathies have heart manifestations?
    • Lyme arthritis - enlarged heart, arrhythmias
    • AS - aortic insufficiency
    • SLE - pericarditis
  6. Which arthropathy affects the nervous system?
    Lyme arthritis - stiff neck, headache
  7. Which two diseases affect the genitourinary system?
    • SLE - Nephritis
    • Gout - Kidney disease
  8. When doing a joint aspiration of the ankle where do you aspirate?
    approach either medially (immediately medial to the extensor hallucis longus tendon) or laterally (just distal to the fibula).
  9. You perform synovial joint fluid aspiration and find a straw colored fluid? Would you guess this is:

    A. Normal
    B. Noninflammatory
    C. Inflammatory
    D. Septic
    • Noninflammatory = Straw colored
    • Normal = Colorless
    • Inflammatory = Yellow
    • Septic =Variable (white)
  10. Give 4 key features of rheumatoid arthritis
    1. Swan neck deformity - hyperextension of the PIPJ of the finger with flexion of the DIPJ

    2. Boutonniere deformity - flexion of the PIPJ of the finger with hyperextension of the DIPJ.

    3. Gel phenomenon - after rest the pts jt stiffens and becomes painful to move.

    4. Symmetrical inflammatory polyarthritis

  11. T/F RA factor is usually negative in Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis
    • T - however ANA is usually positive.
    • Not a life long disorder
    • Onset is usually before age 16 yrs
    • Usually involves the knees, elbows, ankles or neck
  12. Name all the seronegative spondyloarthropathies:
    • Ankylosing Spondylitis
    • Reiter's syndrome
    • Psoriatic arthritis
    • Septic arthritis
    • Acute bacterial arthritis
    • Viral arthritis
    • Tuberculosis arthritis
    • Fungal arthritis
    • Lyme Dz
  13. What is the triad of reiters syndrome?
    • 1. Arthritis
    • 2. Urethritis (nonbacterial)
    • 3. Conjunctivitis
    • 4. Mucocutaneous lesions
  14. Which comes first, skin disease of joint disease in psoriatic arthritis?
    Skin first then joint
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Chapter 9 - Arthritis
Pocket Podiatrics Chapter 9 - Arthritis