Apocalypse Terms

  1. Secular Signs of the Apocalypse
    • Rising of the devil and wiping out of all humanity
    • Belief that the world will end one day.
    • End of the would as we know it.
    • Signs :
    • - Nuclear Weapons
    • - Running out of resources
    • - Natural Disasters
    • - Super Virus (illness)
    • - Global Warming
    • - Economy Crash
    • - Technology takes over
    • Understanding:
    • - a coming end
    • - final and cataclysmic
    • - unavoidable, imminent, meaningless
    • - Nihilistic in ton
    • - No religious value
    • - a culture of despair
    • - suggests to some a final justice, everyone gets the same thing.
  2. Apocalypticism
    • The belief in the doctrine or myth of an imminent end.
    • The world view or paradigm oriented towards an imminent end of the world, determining both meaning and behavior (serving both an otological and ethical purpose)
    • The doctrine or narrative concerning an imminent end of the world through cataclysmic or violent means.
    • The notion of a final judgement and the expectation of a new realm in the future.
  3. Hiroshima
    • August 6, 1945
    • Nuclear bomb, destroying 2/3 of the city, killing thousands of people.
    • Start of the threat of nuclear war.
    • 40% Americans believe this was predicted in the Bible.
  4. Fatalism
    • Suggest that decision making and actions are inherently meaningless, as events are not the result of causal process.
    • May interpret present, earthly circumstances in light of the supernatural world and the future.
    • Suggests a negative outcome which influences both the understanding and the behavior of society
  5. Endism
    • An eschatological interpretation of history.
    • View all human history in light of an anticipated end, usually catastrophic or cataclysmic.
    • Often viewing the end of human civilization as imminent.
  6. Secular Apocalypticism
    • The mythic view that life is coming to an inevitable end.
    • The end is imminent and unstoppable.
  7. Biblical Apocalypse
    Not an event, but a revelations that is recorded in written from. Written by John.

    ‘Apocalypse’ is a genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework, in which a revelation is mediated by an otherworldly being to a human recipient, disclosing a transcendent reality which is both temporal, insofar as it envisages eschatological salvation, and spatial insofar as it involves another, supernatural world.
  8. Esoteric
    The revelation is mean to ONLY make sense or be understood/interpreted by a select group of people.
  9. Prophecy Belief
    • The term given to the movement or paradigm that understands the apocalyptic literature to be dispensational and predictive, and often interpreted literally.
    • Usually this paradigm presumes the currents events of the world are fulfillments of prophetic scripture, indicating an imminent intervention by God and an end to human history.
    • Derives out of evangelical belief.
  10. Millennialism
    • The belief in a time - soon to come- when the world will undergo a great transformation resulting in the eradication of all evil, pain, and suffering.
    • Based on the biblical notion of a one-thousand year reign of Christ.
  11. Millenarianism
    • The political or social outworking of millennial beliefs; the millennium is a metaphor for a time of perfection or utopianism.
    • Usually millenarianism refers to a secular ideal of a perfect future (as distinct from the religious millennialism)
    • Nazism is an example of secular or political millenarianism.
  12. Catastrophic Millennialism
    • A belief that the world is so corrupt that its present form must be destroyed and remade. (Doing things to help the world is just delaying the end)
    • Forms of Groups that hold this view:
    • - Fragile Groups that initiate violence to preserve their ultimate concern when their goals are failing.
    • - Groups that are attacked because they present a perceived threat.
    • - Revolutionary groups that commit acts of violence against perceived demonic forces.
  13. Structural Liminality
    • The rejection of the present social order and investment of loyalty and identity in a new order whose arrival is imminent and inevitable.
    • The result is a collective existence located between the old order, whose demise is presumed imminent, and the new order, which has yet to be born.
    • (The mythic perception that one is living between two worlds; not there yet, but living as if you were)
  14. Archetype
    An original model or type (Real or Mythic) after which other similar things are patterned. An ideal example of a type; in Jungian psychology, a pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from past collective experience and present in the individuals unconscious.
  15. Eschatological Processes
    • Individual: How will our end come about.
    • Collective/National: responds to Jewish prosecution.
    • Universal/Cosmic: What is going to happen to all creation?
  16. Tribulation
    • A period of time when Christians will experience persecution as a purifying process.
    • Persecution has a purpose, God is sorting out the believers from the fakers.
    • Time of tribulation is biblically driven.
    • Generally believed to occur just before the Second Coming.
    • Believed to be the hardship for believers, preparing them for judgment.
  17. Nihilism
    • The rejection of all religious and moral principles.
    • Denial of any inherent meaning, particularly a hopeless meaning to the apocalypse.
  18. Armageddon
    • Reference to final battle between heaven and the evil forces of earth.
    • Refers to any final or catastrophic conflict.
    • Revelation 16.
    • Based on the site of many biblical battles, Megiddo.
  19. Antichrist
    • Symbol of the agent of evil on earth.
    • Jesus is the incarnation of God, Antichrist is the incarnation of evil.
    • 666, representative of Satan. Comes from Rev 13:18.
  20. Doomsday
    • A day of final judgement.
    • A time of catastrophic destruction and death.
    • Doomsday Clock: created by the Association of Atomic Scientists, in reference to the likelihood of a nuclear war in the world.
  21. Prophetic Deconstruction (in relation to movies)
    Facing the reality of the world's pain by seeking the end as a cataclysm that will solve evil through a violent sweeping away from all things.
  22. Theodicy (in relation to movies)
    Understanding evil, pain, death - real or imagined - by fantasies of cosmic transformation or global death.
  23. Covenant
    Based on the Abrahamic promise (an agreement between God and His people). God will provide to the elect people prosperity and descendants in the land, and in the people will dedicate themselves to the worship of the one God.
  24. Apostasy
    • Formal rejection of religion.
    • Willingness to surrender ones faith identity in the fact of other things.
  25. Ways of Reading the Text
    • Exegesis: drawing the meaning out, taking the meaning out of things.
    • Eisegesis: Reading into it, looking for things in that text that are relatable.
  26. Seven Churches (The letters)
    • Ephesus
    • Smyrna
    • Pergamum
    • Thyatira
    • Sardis
    • Philadelphia
    • Laodicea
    • ** Everywhere Silly People Try Saving Phake Love**
  27. Millennialism
    The belief that there will be a long period of unprecedented peace and righteousness closely associated with the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ.
  28. A-Millennialism
    • Biblical References to the millennium are interpreted figuratively or symbolically.
    • The millennial reign of Christ is a spiritual reality in the life of the believer.
    • Rejection of the notion of a specific millennium.
  29. Post-Millenialism
    • The belief that Christ will return after the church has established the millennium.
    • The millennium reality comes through the faithful and spirit-empowered preaching and witness to the gospel of the church.
    • Can be brought into existence by human doing.
    • Belief that Christ will return after a period of peace (1000 years), after humanity has been perfected.
  30. Pre-Millenialism
    • The belief that Christ will return before the millennium in order to establish it by his power and rule.
    • Often associated with a literal reading of the Book of Revelation and searching for signs of the coming end of times.
  31. Historicist Pre-Millennialism
    The prophetic scriptures give the entire history of the church in symbolic form, history will define what will happen.
  32. Futurist Pre-Millennialism
    • Prophecies of the last days have not been fulfilled but are to be fulfilled within a short time.
    • Great events prophesied in the bible are yet to be realized and signs indicate that they will be realized soon.
  33. Dispensational Pre-Millennialism
    • The prophetic scriptures outline the dispensations of world history.
    • The world is currently in the sixth dispensation (the corrupt era, that will lead to the seventh and perfect dispensation)
    • A careful reading of scripture and news will give a warning of when the expected end and return of Christ will take place, ushering in the seventh and final dispensation.
  34. Tribulationism
    The belief that a specific seven year period of tribulation will be brought to bear on the earth through the concerted power of Satan, manifest in the antichrist, prior to the return of Christ.
  35. Pre-Tribulationism, Mid-Tribulationism, Post-Tribulationism
    • Pre: Christ will snatch away the saints to be spared from the tribulation in an event known as the rapture.
    • Mid: Christ will snatch away the saints 3.5 years into the tribulation.
    • Post: Christ will snatch the saints away at the end of the tribulation, testing and purifying the saints.
  36. Rapture
    • What needs to happen before it takes place:
    • One world government (New World Order)
    • Jew will control all of the biblical holy land
    • The Jewish temple will be rebuilt
    • War in the Middle East (Israel attacked by Russia)
    • The Antichrist begins his rise to power
    • Final call to conversion to Christianity
  37. Church
    A conventional Christian religious organization based on traditional texts and teaching familiar or tradition patterns of worship, orthodox theology, and integrated into a larger society.
  38. Sect
    • A non-normative or breakaway religious group
    • subscribes to beliefs or theology that fit within the larger umbrella of orthodox tradition.
  39. Alternative Religious Movements
    a non-normative group that is set in the larger society both in its theological beliefs and its practice of those beliefs.
  40. Patronal Clan
    • Network of families clustered around a single family or hear, joined by a spiritual lineage, through which spiritual identity is shaped.
    • Emphasizes the spiritual heritage and experiences moderate tensions with larger societies.
  41. Prophetic Movement
    • Network of individuals, tightly organized in a communal group, which emphasizes its role in creating a new tradition and an imminent transformative event.
    • Experiences high levels of tension with surrounding culture, promotes social distance, and attaches identity to the charismatic leadership and the teachings of that leadership.
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Apocalypse Terms
Terms and Definitions from Apocalyptic Consciousness