Med A3 Pulmonary Tab 1

  1. How do organisms reach the lungs?
    Blood, Inhalation, Aspiration, Penetration-via trauma


  2. What are the most common pulmonary presenting symptoms?

    Chronic Cough, Hemoptysis, Dyspnea

  3. A cough must be present for ____ to be considered chronic.

    3 Weeks

  4. Common causes of chronic cough?
    Smoking, Asthma, Post Nasal Drip & GERD
  5. Bronchiectasis
    • Chronic dilation of portions of bronchial tree, through the breakdown
    • of bronchial walls resulting in local cavitations
  6. Priority when evaluating hemoptysis?
    ID the SOURCE!
  7. Causes of bleeding from LOWER Resp. Tract ?
    Infection, Cancer, CHF, Pulmonary Embolism
  8. Clubbing of fingers can indicate...
    Lung cancer & chronic infection
  9. Common causes of Shortness of Breath
    CHF, COPD, Asthma, Anemia
  10. CHF, COPD, Asthma, Anemia
  11. CONSTRICTION of airways + WHEEZING upon auscultation would be?
  12. Asthma
  13. 2 major COPD entities
    Chronic Bronchitis & Emphysema
  14. On average COPD Pt’s have exacerbations ____ times a year.
  15. 1-4
  16. Classes of drugs useful in tx of asthma & COPD?
    Inhaled bronchodilators & Inhaled or Oral Corticosteroids
  17. 2 drugs that should be AVOIDED in ASTHMATICS
    ASA & Beta Blockers
  18. Status Asthmaticus
    Pt in continuous asthma state despite adequate drug therapy .
  19. Every pt Dx w/ COPD should be vaccinated against...
    Influenza & Pneumococcus
  20. ACUTE Bronchitis etiology ?
    Viral (in most cases)

    (I.E. Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, Flu A&B, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, Coxsackievirus)
  21. Chief characteristic of Pneumonia ?
    Crackles on auscultation
  22. CAP most common cause?
    Streptococcus Pneumoniae (Pneumococcus)
  23. Pneumonia
    Acute inflammation of the terminal airways, alveoli & interstitium, usually a result of infection
  24. Persons @ greater risk of Pulmonary Embolism are?
    Female who smokes & is on oral contraceptives, Post surgical/bed-ridden pt., post long bone/hip fracture
  25. Key sign of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome

    Hypoxemia despite O2 Therapy

  26. Pleurisy = stimulation of pain fibers in parietal pleura, 2ndary to inflammation =
    treat with analgesics/anti-inflammatory for pain, codeine for cough, intercostals nerve block, FIX UNDERLYING DISEASE
    • Treat with analgesics/anti-inflammatory for pain, Codeine for cough,
    • Intercostals nerve block
  27. Name the classifications of Pulmonary Drugs

    • Bronchodilators
    • Anti-Histamines
    • Decongestants
    • Anti-Tussives
    • Xanthines
    • Expectorant
    • Corticosteroids
    • Anti-Cholinergics
    • Leukotrine Antagonists
    • Cromolyn Sodium
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Med A3 Pulmonary Tab 1
Test Review