TLSE 455 Test

  1. Define Insight-Oriendted Interventions
    Individualized interventions occuring within the context of daily classroom interactions that are used to assist students with E/BD in understanding thier own feelings, beleifs about themselves and their relationships with others.
  2. What are the three major methods to assissting students in understanding and coping with their dysfunctional beliefs, irrational thoughts, and self-esteem issues?
    • Responding therapeutically to students statements and behaviors (insight orianted interventions)
    • Implimenting LSCI
    • Conducting groups
  3. Supportive Interpretive Interventions
    Statements to reinforce students' approprate behaviors related to IEP goals or to address important issues related to student's behavior.
  4. What does supportuve interpretive statments help?
    They help to offset negative self-talk.
  5. Confrontive Interpretive Interventions
    A breif intervention amied at assisting students in better understanding their emotions and altertering their self-perceptions (corrective teaching). Can also pair this strategy with social skills.
  6. Life Space Crisis intervention (LSCI)
    • -Psyco-educational technique
    • -Method for staff to utilize that provides students extended time to discuss behavior problems.
    • Helps develope better understandings of the problems and helps develope alternative behaviors to use when confromted with frusterating or confusing situations.
  7. LSCI intervention
    Red Flag
    Identify the source of the problem and help student recognize that he/she takes out his angry feelings on others with undesirable results.
  8. LSCI Intervention
    Reality Rub
    Organize reality enabling the blaming student to see how he/she contributes to his problems and makes them worse.
  9. LSCI intervention
    Symptom Estrangement
    Confront unacceptable behavior by making the bullying student feel uncomforatble with hisher pattern of gaining pleasure from causing others pain.
  10. Clinical Interpretive Interventions
    We define clinical interpretive feedback as verbal feedback that is provided to students in response to their immediate behaviors and that relates there behaviors to important psychosocial development issuses experienced by the students.
  11. Six stages of LSCI
    • Crisis – drain off
    • the student’s intense emotions by acknowledging feelings.

    • Timeline – by using
    • affirming & listening skills discover the student’s point of view.

    • Central Issue – identify
    • the student’s vital interest & select the appropriate LSCI strategy.

    • Insight – use
    • interviewing skills to help the student recognize & change self-defeating behavior patterns.

    • New Skills – teach the
    • new skills needed for behavior change (e.g., social skills)

    • Transfer of Training – prepare the
    • student to reenter the ongoing activity & setting,
  12. Things to do during the six stages
    • 1.First calm down the student.
    • 2. Have the student explain what happened from
    • their point of view. As the student tells the story ask questions for understanding and accurate understanding of the students point of view. What isthe problem, whats going on, and how can we fix this.
    • 3. The adult is using the info from the timeline to come up with a correct LSCI strategy.
    • 4. Help the student recognize a pattern of
    • behavior.
    • 5. Teach the new skill to change behavior.
    • 6. Pre-pare the student to go back to the classroom.
  13. LSCI interventions
    Massaging numb feelings
    Build values to stragthen self-control in the impulsive or self-abusive student who acts out, then feels too much guilt afterwords.
  14. LSCI
    New tools Salesmanship
    Teach new skills to the srudent with the right goals and attutudes.
  15. LSCI
    Manipulation of Body Boundries
    Expose exploitation for the student who is set up by others or who is manipulated through a false friendship.
  16. LSCi helps students to learn:
  17. That a crisis doesn’t mean
    • adult rejection or estrangement;
    • that an adult can accept a
    • student at his or her worst & still extend respect;
    • the important relationship
    • between his or her thinking, feeling, behaving, & consequences;
    • to identify a chronic
    • pattern of self-defeating behavior;
    • to accept responsibility for
    • personal behaviors; and
    • to have more trust in
    • adults.
  18. LSCi helps students to learn:
    • That a crisis doesn’t mean
    • adult rejection or estrangement;
    • that an adult can accept a
    • student at his or her worst & still extend respect;
    • the important relationship
    • between his or her thinking, feeling, behaving, & consequences;
    • to identify a chronic
    • pattern of self-defeating behavior;
    • to accept responsibility for
    • personal behaviors; and
    • lto have more trust in
    • adults.
  19. Goal Setting Meeting
    To set a personal behavior goal and create a plan on how to acheve it.
  20. Planning Meeting
    Purpose: Accomplish a specific task, invole group in decision making (field trip, fund raising)
  21. Open-ended meeting
    Discussion of a thought provking topic. Can be related to curriculm. Stimulate thinking. Motivation to engage in academic ideas
  22. Positives Meeting
    Develope communication skills, builds self-esteem and group cohesion.
  23. Educational Diagnostic Meeting
    A discussion of topic directly related to the curriculum to quickly assess students' comprhension of curriculum and evaluate teaching strategies. They should stimulate thinking about curricular topics and real-life.
  24. Problem Solving Meeting
    Teach students how to solve problems effectivly and peacefully, address individual or group issues.
  25. Class Meetings and Groups can help students by:
    • Provide information regarding how to get
    • along with teacher, peers and family
    • Teach communication skills
    • Improve interpersonal relationships
    • Help student with crisis, personal problems
    • Develop and nurture empathy, acceptance, and
    • peer support
  26. Basic Steps of class meetings
    • Meeting is announced
    • Transition routine is implemented
    • Leader is designated
    • Point of Order and Review of Group
    • Rules/Values
    • Meeting agenda or goal is addressed
    • Opportunities for feedback/discussion
    • Closing comments/decisions
    • Follow up is outlined/determined
    • Expectations for next activity are outlined
  27. Skill Deficit Model def and goal
    • The learner is weak in or lacks, a behavioral skill
    • Goal: Teach desirable (lacking) Skill
  28. Benifits of the skill-deficit model?
    • Allows teachers to focus on proactive instruction instead of reacting to the student's misbehavior
    • Sets the stage for instruction in prosocial skills that the student may use and that teacher can prompt.
  29. Deficits in social skills are linked to?
    • Poor social adjustment
    • mental health problems
    • delinquency
    • low self-esteem
  30. Poor social skills in schools are linked to?
    • Limited oppertunities to learn
    • negative academic and socail self-concept
    • socail isolation
  31. What are the objectives of socail skills instruction?
    • Promoting skill acquistion
    • Enhancing skill performance
    • Reducing or elimination of problem behaviors
    • Facilitating generalazation and maintenance of social skills
  32. Name Key Social skills
    • Classroom survival skills
    • Skills for dealing with feelings
    • Skills for dealing with stress
    • Friendship-making skills
    • Skill Alternatives to aggression
  33. Name 4 Social skill Assessment techniques and stratgies
    • Teacher rankings
    • Rating scales
    • Behavioral interveiws
    • Direct observation
  34. What are the critical Components of social skills?
    • Direct instruction
    • Use teachable moments
    • Teacher rolemodels approprate socail skills
    • recogniton of approprate socail skills
    • teaching self-magagment, including socail skills strategies and anger managment
  35. What is formal social skills instrucation?
    From a social skills curriculum where the ss are learned behaviors that can be taught and taught using common launguage and terms.
  36. What are the six steps to teaching formal social skill instrucation?
    • 1. Name and define the skill
    • 2. Introduce the skill components
    • 3. Demonstrate, Model, Practice
    • 4. Provide Perfromance feedback
    • 5. Test/Review
    • 6. Assign Homework task
Card Set
TLSE 455 Test
Quiz 4