P-3 Vertical Panel Lights

  1. Fuselage Duct Light
    • Cause- Leak in area around cross ship manifold causing excessive temp. Caused by leak in bleed air manifold, APU manifold, or EDC pluming.
    • Action- Ground- secure ground ac and APU bleed air, return to line.
    • Flight- Secure engine bleed air, fuselage shutoff valves. If light remains dumpe EDC's one at a time. If light still remains land as soon as possible.
  2. Cabin Press Light
    • If cabin altitude exceeds 10,000ft
    • 1.*Alert Crew
    • 2. *Don Mask
    • Regardless of altitude
    • 3. Verify obstacle clearance
    • 4. Investigate
    • provide assistance to crew as required, be prepared to set condition 5
  3. Master DE-ICING light
    • Look at overhead panel
    • L/R Wing Hot
    • LE Hot
    • L/R Pitot Heater
    • Bombay Hot/Cold
  4. Master ELEC POWER light
    • Look at overhead panel
    • GEN # 2,3,4 OFF light is on


    TR # 1,2,3 Overheat
  5. Master PRESS SYSTEM light
    • Look at overhead panel
    • 1. Oil press low, or oil temp high on either EDC.
    • 2. Cabin exhaust fan inop
    • 3. Refer overheat
  6. Master RACK OVHT light
    Rack overheat condition exsist. Also comes on during a MAIN DC BUS failure

    • 1. Initiate FOUO checklist
    • 2. Locate using individual rack ovht lights
    • 3. provide required cooling, or secure equipment
  7. IFF light
    Mode 4 zeroized, self test failed, or mode 4 not responding to interrogation.

    • 1. Master switch- Normal
    • 2. Mode 4- ON
    • if light continues, fly selected non IFF procedures
  8. START VALVE light
    • Indicates one engines start control valve is open.
    • Normal during start
    • Abnormal after start

    1. Check overhead panel for start control valve light.
  9. Autopilot RAWS (red light) with tone
    • Causes-
    • 1. Loss of pwr to RADALT
    • 2. Unreliable radalt signal
    • 3. Decending through 380ft +- 10 (3 sec warning)
    • 4. Decending through 170 +- 20 (continuous warning)
    • (all warnings are cancelled when the nosewheel is down and locked or flap handle is below maneuver.)
  10. FLAP ASYM light
    Cause- Flap ASYM has tripped. If there has been a multiple flap component failure, the flaps may still be moving, or can be moved with the handle.

    • 1. If theres a change in flight characteristics, execute split flap procedures.
    • 2. If no change in flight characteristics, mive flap handle to best cooresponding position.
    • 3. Refer to split flap
  11. DOOR OPEN light
    • Either the main door or the HSC door is open.
    • Aciton- close it
  12. RUDDER PWR light
    • cause- #1 Hyd system press. failure.
    • Action-
    • 1. Actuate rudder pedals to drain fluid in the #2 hyd system. (if their is residual fluid in the #2 system, the plane thinks the #1 system has failed and the #2 is taking over.)

    • -if light remains on
    • 2. Check rudder boost shutoff valve CB (K-13)
    • 3. Turn off #2 HYD pump. If the light goes out, the shutoff valve is inop. Turn the pump back on and make no abrupt rudder movements.
  13. #1/1A HYD PRESS light
    • Cause- pump pressure is below 1,800
    • Action- turn off the respective pump

    note- gear retraction with only one pump may result in an indication of hydraulic system failure and unsafe gear indication due to heavy demand.
  14. # 2 HYD PRESS light
    • Cause- pump pressure is below 1,800 psi
    • Action- Verify pressure, if low, turn pump off
  15. #1,1A,2 HYD OIL HOT light
    • cause- hyd oil hot, restrictive coolant flow (somethings wrongwith oil cooler flaps, or inducing), low fuel in the inboard tanks (less than 1000lbs)
    • Action- Turn the respective pump off.
  16. NTS INOP light
    • Cause- Inoperative NTS system
    • Action-
    • *1. FX button hold out
    • *2. E-Handle pull
    • *3. FX button push in
  17. ICING light on
    • Cause- Ice detector probe is accumulating ice. The frequency of the light indicates the amount of ice build up.
    • Action- Anticipate Icing conditions
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P-3 Vertical Panel Lights
P-3 Lights cause/action