CIS test 3

  1. Ubiquity and ecommerce
    -Available just about everywhere, at all times
  2. Ecommerce changes to advertising
    • -starting to dominate advertising
    • -2 way communication between edv and customer-social network 1)inexpensively target a large audience 2) behavior targeting-track clicks for understanding interest
  3. Interactivity
    • Technology works through interaction with the user.
    • -creating an engaging environment for the consumer
  4. Richness
    -the complexity and content of a message
  5. Search costs
    -the effort required to find suitable products
  6. Information density
    The technology reduces information costs and raises quality
  7. Asymmetry
    when one party in a transaction has more information that is important for the transaction than the other party (and gives them advantage
  8. Traditional markets have ________ transaction costs
    higher (as compared to digital markets)
  9. Disintermediation
    The removal of organizations or business process layers responsible for the intermediary steps in a value chain
  10. Transaction brokers
    saves users money and time by processing online sales transaction and generating a fee each
  11. Market creators
    provides a digital environment where buyers and sellers can meet, search for products, display products, and establish prices for those products
  12. Crowdsourcin
    actively helped in solving some business problems by getting help from the "crowds" ex: netflix
  13. B2C e-commerce
    business-to-consumer: electronic commerce involves sales of goods and services among business
  14. Behavioral targeting
    -tracking the click-streams of individuals on thousands of Web sites for the purpose of understanding their interests and intentions and exposing them to advertisements which are uniquely suited to their behavior
  15. EDI
    electronic data interchange:enables the computer to computer exchange between two organizations of standard transactions such as invoices, bills of lading, shipment schedules, or purchase orders.
  16. Procurement
    -involves not only purchasing goods and materials but also sourcing, negotiating, with suppliers, paying for goods, and making delivery arrangements
  17. M-commerce
    Mobile commerce: the use of handheld wireless devices for purchasing goods and services from any location
  18. Subscription revenue model
    -a Web site offering content or services charges a subscription fee for access to some or all of its offerings on an ongoing basis
  19. Direct goods
    goods that are directly involved in the production process
  20. C2C e-commerce
    • Consumer-to-consumer:
    • electronic commerce involves consumers selling directly to consumers (e-bay)
  21. Systems development process
    • SDLC oldest
    • method for building info system. Phased approach to building a system
    • -1) systems analysis 2) system design 3) hw/ sw acquisition 4) testing 5) training
    • and documentation 6) conversion 7) production and maintenance.
  22. Requirements analysis
    • -identify problem, gather information, devise alternative solutions, and make a decision about the best solution
    • -develops a detailed description of what a new IS needs to perform
  23. User information requirements
    • -identify who needs what information, where, when, and how
    • -what users need should drive system building effort
  24. Systems design
    how the chosen solution should be realized
  25. User interface
    means by which a user and system interact with each other
  26. Unit testing
    detailed testing of individual computer programs
  27. System testing
    tests the performance of the information system as a whole
  28. Acceptance testing
    provides the final certification that the system is ready to be used in a production setting
  29. Parallel conversion strategy
    both the old system and its potential replacement are run together for a time until everyone is assured that the new one functions correctly
  30. Direct cutover conversion strategy
    replaces the old system entirely with the new system on an appointed day, carrying the risk that there is no system to fall back on if problems arise
  31. Maintenance
    changes in hardware, software, documentation, or procedures to a production system to correct errors, meet new requirements, or improve processing efficiency
  32. Problems without a formal development methodology
    specifically you are testing and documenting formed, formed rapidly
  33. Managing end-user development
    allows endusers, with little or no formal assistance from technical specialists, to create simple information systems, reducing the time and steps required to produce a finished application

    establishing standards for project requirements
  34. RAD
    Rapid application development: the process of creating workable systems in a very short period of time
  35. Data flow diagram
    offers a logical graphic model of information flow, partitioning a system into modules that show manageable levels of detail
  36. Prototyping
    building an experimental system rapidly and inexpensively for end users to evaluate
  37. Class and inheritance
    Object-oriented modeling is based on the concepts; objects belonging to a certain class or general categories of similar objects have the features of that class. Classes of objects in turn inherit all the structure and behaviors of a more general class
  38. Component-based development
    groups of objects have been assembled into software components for common functions, such as a graphical user interface or online ordering capability, and these can be combined to create large-scale business applications

    build small objects that do a routine task, and assemble small objects to create a new system
  39. Project management
    the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to achieve specific targets with specified budget and time constraints
  40. Portfolio analysis
    help you evaluate alternative systems, inventories all them for a firm
  41. Information systems plan
    shows how specific information systems fit into a company's overall business plan and business strategy
  42. Key problems in managing knowledge
    classifying knowledge
  43. Unstructured decision
    the decision maker must provide judgment evaluation, and insight to solve the problem
  44. Structured decision
    repetitive and routine, a definite procedure for handling them
  45. Stages in decision making
    • -Intelligence-discovering, identifying, and understanding the problems occurring in the organization
    • -Design-identifying and exploring various solutions to the problem
    • -Choice-choosing among solution alternatives
    • -Implementation-making the chosen alternative work and continued to monitor how well the solution is working
  46. MIS typically produce
    • primarily hard-copy reports
    • -fixed regularly scheduled reports based on data extracted from your TPS
  47. DSS
    (decisionsupport system ) provide analytical models or tools for analyzing large quantities of data and supportive interactive queries for middle managers who face semi structured decision situations.
  48. Components of a DSS
    a database of data used for query and analysis; a software system with models, data mining, and other analytical tools; and a user interface
  49. Forecasting model
    used to forecast sales
  50. Sensitivity analysis
    ask what-if questions repeatedly to determine the impact on outcomes of changes in one or more factors
  51. Goal seeking
    Backward sensitivity analysis helps-if I want to make $1 mil, how much must I produce
  52. GIS
    Geographic information systems: a special category for DSS that use data visualization technology to analyze and display data for planning and decision making in the form of digitized maps
  53. Neural networks
    used for solving complex, poorly understood problems for which large amounts of data have been collected
  54. Genetic algorithms
    used for finding the optimal solution for a problem by examining a very large number of alternative solutions for a prob: represents a solution as a string of 0s and 1s
  55. Learning management systems
    provides tools for the management, delivery, tracking, and assessment of various types of employee learning training
  56. CAD workstations
    generating realistic-looking 3D graphic designs that can be rotated
  57. Virtual reality systems
    interactive graphics software to create computer-generated simulations that are so close to reality that users almost believe they are participating in a real-world situation
  58. Object classification (in an Enterprise Knowledge Management System)
    • structured: explicit knowledge that exists in formal documents, as well as in formal rules
    • -in order to search for a retrieve objects, they have to be classified
    • -semistructured: incorporate repositories of documents, reports, presentations, and best practices, e-mails
  59. Knowledge base
    expert systems model human knowledge as a set of rules
  60. Customer decision support (CDSS)
    Customer decision-support system: support the decision making process of an existing or potential customer
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CIS test 3