Chapter 15

  1. Beadle and Tatum
    • Worked with the bread mold, Neurospora
    • Made genetic mutants
    • related mutations to ENZYME Productions

    "One gene, one enzyme" theory of inheritance
  2. Srb and Horowitz
    Used B&T's methodology to study te STEPS in arginine biosynthesis.
  3. Review of Protein Structure
    • Built from Amino Aids
    • Amino Acids linked to make a POLYPEPTIDE
    • FOUR groups attached to a central C(a).
    • TWENTY different ones are used to make proteins
  4. Amino Acids are Linked by ______.
    Peptide Bonds
  5. FOUR levels of Protein Structure
    • 1) Primary
    • 2) Secondary
    • 3) Tertiary
    • 4) Quaternary
  6. Levels of Protein Structure: (1o)
    • The sequence of amino acids
    • It has TWO DISTINCT ends: amino (N) and carboxyl (C).

  7. Levels of Protein Structure: (2o)
    • Formed by regions of SELF-FOLDING of the polypeptide chain.
    • How it folds depends on the SIZES and CHARGES of the R groups.
    • The shape is maintained by HYDROGEN BONDS
  8. Levels of Protein Structure: (2o)
    • One polypeptide can ave regions of both alpha helices and B pleated sheets
    • Most commonly EITHER an alpha helix OR a B pleated sheet.
  9. Levels of Protein Structure: (3o)
    The 3-D shape of the FULLY FOLDED polypeptide
  10. FIVE Different Types of Bonds Create the 3o Structure
    • 1) Hydrogen Bond
    • 2) Ionic Bond
    • 3) Hydophobic Interaction
    • 4) Disulfide Bridge
    • 5) Van der Waals interaction
  11. Levels of Protein Structure: (4o)
    Some proteins have TWO OR MORE polypeptides joined together by weak bonds. Each is called a subunit.
  12. How many nucleotides = 1 word?
    • One "word" = codon
    • If 1 base = 1 codon: then there are 4 possible codons
    • If 2 bases = 1 codon: then there are 42 = 16 possible codons
    • If 3 bases = 1 codon: then there are 43= 64 possible codons
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Chapter 15
The Components of Translation