Vasculature/Innervation Pelvis and Perineum

  1. What are the branches of the posterior division of the internal iliac artery? What do they supply?
    • Iliolumbar: Psoas muscle and quadratus lumborum
    • Lateral Sacral: Go to anterior sacral foramina
    • Superior Gluteal: Gluteus medius, minimus and tensor fascia latae
  2. What are the branches of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery?
    • Obturator
    • Internal Pudendal
    • Inferior gluteal
    • Umbilical
    • Inferior vesical
    • Uterine
    • Vaginal
    • Middle rectal
  3. What does the obturator supply?
    • Adductor compartment of thigh
    • Acetabular branch to femoral head (children)
  4. Where can the obturator artery arise from?
    Inferior epigastric or external iliac artery
  5. How does the internal pudendal artery travel?
    • Out through grater sciatic foramen
    • Passes dorsal to ischial spine
    • Enters through elsser sciatic foramen
  6. What does the inferior gluteal artery supply and what is its exit area?
    • Supply: Gluteus maximus
    • Exit: Between S1/S2 or S2/S3
  7. What are the branches of the umbilic artery?
    • Medial umbilical ligament
    • Superior vesical branches
    • Artery to the ductus deferens
  8. What does the inferior veiscal artery supply? What does it normally arise with?
    • Supply: Bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles
    • Arise with: Middle rectal artery
  9. What can the uterine artery arise with?
    Middle rectal or vaginal
  10. What areas drain into the superficial inguinal nodes?
    • Abdominal skin below umbilicus
    • Perineum
    • External genital structures
    • Lower 2/3 of vagina
    • Anal canal inferior to pectinate line
  11. What areas drain into the internal iliac nodes?
    • Upper 1/3 of vagina
    • Pelvic viscera
  12. What areas drain into the para aortic nodes?
    Ovaries and testis
  13. What sympathetic and PS components join the superior hypogastric plexus?
    • Sympathetic: Lower 2 lumbar splanchnic n
    • PS: Pelvic splanchnic nerves
  14. What is the inferior hypogastric plexus made of?
    • L/R hypogastric nerves
    • PS pelvic splanchnic nerves
  15. What is the inferior hypogastric plexus located on?
    Both sides of rectum, urinary bladder and uterine cervix/prostate
  16. What are the component of the pudendal nerve?
    • Anterior division of S2, S3, S4
    • 4 components: voluntary motor, visceral motor (symp), visceral sensory and somatic sensory
  17. What are the 4 stages of sexual cycle?
    • Excitement
    • Plateau
    • Orgasm
    • Resolution
  18. What 2 muscles maintain an erection?
    Bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus
  19. What are the 2 characteristics of the excitement phase of females?
    • Vaginal wetness
    • Lengthening and expansion of inner 2/3 of vagina
  20. During plateau, what area of the vagina changes in the female?
    outer 1/3 of vagina
  21. What are the 2 stages of the male ejaculation?
    • Emission: Delivery of semen to membranous urethra
    • Ejaculation: Clonic spasms of bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles
Card Set
Vasculature/Innervation Pelvis and Perineum
Vasculature and Innervation