1. What are the 3 functions of the skin?
    • 1. Protection
    • 2. Control temperature
    • 3. Sensation
  2. What is a contusion
    • Results from blunt force striking the body
    • Contusion the epidermis remains intact, but the cells within the dermis are damaged and small blood vessels are usually torn
  3. When should a Detailed physical exam be a priority?
    Anytime there is a significant MOI
  4. What does rices stand for?
    • Rest
    • Ice
    • Compression
    • Elevation
    • Splinting
  5. Define laceration
    A JAGGED cut
  6. In an abdominal wound what is a Evisceration?
    When the organs protrude through the wound of an injury

    moist, sterile dressing

    loses heat and moisture quickly
  7. In an open abdominal wound, what should be considered?
    Because exposed organs lose fluid rapidly, you must keep the oragans moist and warm.

    Do Not touch or move exposed organs!
  8. When is the only time you can remove a object from the chest?
    If the object is in the chest and interferes with CPR

    Also if the object is in the cheek
  9. What parts are classified and critical areas
    Face. upper airway, hands, feet and genitalia
  10. What are partial thickness burns?
    Second-degree burns These burns do not destroy the entire thickness of the skin, nor the SubQ tissue injured

    Typically the skin is moist, mottled, and white to red. Blisters are common.
  11. How do you treat a chemical burn?
    Flush with gallons of water for 15 to 20min
  12. Electrical burns have what significant marks?
    An Entrance wound and an Exit wound
  13. control bleeding
    pressure, pressure bandage elevate
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