functional mobility

  1. when you measure a walker?
    • wrist crease
    • ulnar styloid
    • greater trochanter
  2. walker measurements
    • 1. hand grips-
    • level with patients's wrist crease
    • ulnar styloid
    • greater trochanter

    2. walker positioned in front-along patients sides

    3. feet of walker-even on floor and even with heels of patient

    4. hips and knees straight-shoes should be worn

    5. 20-25 degrees of elbow flexion when the patient grasp the walke handles and positions walker for ambulation

    6. rear portion of walker (feet) placed opposite to mid-portion of foot

    • 7. posture
    • head errect
    • shoulder shouldbe relaxed and level
    • trunk is erect
    • hips in neutral
    • pelvis is level
    • knees slightly flexed
    • feet flat on floor
  3. where do you put the walker
    across the heels

    hips knees straight

    20-25 degrees elbow excrusion, to give flexion at elbow

    head errect
  4. patient ambulation
    gait belt

    weight bearing status

    • never use:
    • clothing
    • upper extremities
    • personnel belt

    stand behind to one side, or stand on affected or weak side

    hand nearest patient on belt

    other hand on patients near shoulder-be prepared to control shoulder or trunk

    height difference-insert hand under arm totop of chest

    • feet-anterior/posterior
    • forward foot between poatients LE and ambulation aid
    • backward foot posterior to patients near foot

    walk foreward in step with patient

    avoid crossover step
  5. walker disadvantages
    difficult to store or transport

    difficult or impossible to se on stairs

    reduces the speed ofambulation

    may be difficult to perform a normal gait

    difficult to use in narrow or crowded areas
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functional mobility
functional mobility