photography test 3

  1. which artificial light represents the sun?
    main lighting.
  2. which light should be placed first?
    Key or main light
  3. what is the simplist arrangement of lights for a portrait?
    broad lighting
  4. using window light, what can be used to light the back of a subject?
  5. how should you arrange broad and short lights?
    broad light on the broad side of the fce, short on the short side.
  6. what are the different types of light meters?
    spot, center weighted, matrix
  7. what type of light meter is common in most cameras?
    center weighted
  8. which light meter measures the smallest amount of the veiwfinder?
  9. what are the different exposure modes in a camera?
    • shutter priority- set apature, auto the shutter speed.
    • apature priority- set shutterspeed, auto the apature
    • programmed- fully automatic
    • manual- complete manual control
  10. what is the best way to meter city scapes pr landscapes?
    meter land or hand.
  11. what is the best way to meter contrasty scenes?
    meter hand or shadow
  12. how do you meter and all black or all white subject?
    bracket 2 stops under or 2 stops over correct exposer.
  13. what is bracketing?
    purposely under, and over exposing the same shot by one stop to find the correct exposure.
  14. what is reciprocity and how do you correct it?
    only in film, colours can shift, to solve the problem increase the exposure.
  15. what is the most common situation in which metering does not work well?
    backlit subjects.
  16. on the photographic colour wheel, what colour is opposite magenta?
  17. on the photographic colour wheel, which colour is opposite red?
  18. on the photographicic colour wheel, which colour is opposite yellow?
  19. on the photographicic colour wheel, which colour is opposite green?
  20. on the photographicic colour wheel, which colour is opposite cyan?
  21. on the photographicic colour wheel, which colour is opposite blue?
  22. what is the function of neutral density filters?
    cuts through uv light.
  23. what is the function of polarizing filters?
    polarizing filters darken bright scenes, such as the sky.
  24. what are the colours in the visible spectrum?
    • violet
    • blue
    • green
    • yellow
    • red.
  25. which colours are used in the additive system?
    • red
    • blue
    • green
  26. which colours are used in the subtractive system?
    • cyan
    • magenta
    • yellow
  27. give the kelvin temperatures for the 6 most common light sources:
    • 6000k=strobe
    • 5000k=daylight
    • 4000k=flash bulb
    • 3200k=flood lamp
    • 2800k=household bulb
    • 1900k=candle
  28. what are the colour correction filters?
    • tungsten film in day light=85B filter
    • daylight film in tungsten= 80A filter
    • daylight film in fluorescent=30M filter
Card Set
photography test 3
study cards for third photography test, covers portraits, lighting, sunset/sunrise info.