end of st channel location

  1. st 35
    when the knee is flexed, the point is at the lower border of the patella, in the depression lateral to the patellar ligament
  2. st 36
    3 cun below st 35, one finger breadth from the anterior border of the tibia
  3. st 37
    6 cun below st 35, and one finger breadth from the anterior border of the tibia
  4. st 38
    8 cun below st 35 and one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior border of the tibia
  5. st 39
    9 cun below st 35 and one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior border of the tibia
  6. st 40
    8 cun superior to the tip of the external malleolus , lateral to st 38 about 2 finger breadth lateral to the anterior border of the tibia
  7. st 41
    on the dorsum of the foot, at the midpoint of the transverse crease of the ankle joint, in the depression between the tendons of m extensor digitorum longus and hallucis longus, approximately at the level of the tip of the external malleolus
  8. st 42
    on the dome of the instep of the foot, between the tendons of long extensor muscle of the great toe and long extensor muscle of toes, where the pulsation of the dorsal artery of foot is palpable
  9. st 43
    in the depression distal to the junction of the second and third metatarsal bones
  10. st 44
    proximal to the web margin between the second and third toes, in the depression distal and lateral to the second metatarsodigital joint
  11. st 45
    on the lateral side of the 2nd toe, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Card Set
end of st channel location
st channel location