_____ develops as an outgrowth of embryonic liver.
Describe the location of the pancreatic structure in lampreys and lungfishes.
Pancreatic cells are embedded in the intestinal wall.
The exocrine gland portion synthesizes and secretes digestive enzymes such as _____, _____, _____, and _____.
- Pancreatic lipase
- Pancreatic amylase
- Trypsin
- Chymotrypsin
The endocrine gland portion of the pancreas consists of scattered patches of cells called _____.
Islets of Langerhans
In Islets of Langerhans alpha cells secrete ______ and beta cells secrete _____.
_____ and _____ are the primary sites of digestion and absorption in most vertebrates.
Surface area in the intestine varies greatly amoung vertebrates based on: _____ and _____.
- Type of food eaten
- Activity level/ metabolism
Jawless fishes, elasmobranchs, primitive bony fishes have a simple straight tube, with internal surface area increased by a _____.
Spiral valve
Amphibians and reptiles are first to show division of _____ and _____.
- Large intestine
- Small intestine
In birds and mammals the intestine is much longer, it is the longest in _____ species.
Intestinal villi continue into the large intestine in _____ but not _____.
The mammalian small intestine is divided into three distinct regions based on _____.
Degree of vascularity and type and number of glands.
What are the three regions of the mammalian small intestine?
What is the function of the cecum?
sight of digestion of cellulose and absorption of fermentation products in non-ruminants.
What is the function of the large intestine?
main site of water resorption and consolidation of feces.
What is function of cloaca?
This is a chamber that receives excretory and reproductive ducts.
What are the openings of the cloaca?
Cloacal aperature and anus
In mammals the _____ is lost and is replaced by the rectum and urogenital passages.