Ch8 Design Decisions

  1. The standard propotion between head & body are:
    Male: ?
    Female: ?
    • Male: 1/8th overall body height
    • Female: 1/7th overall body height
  2. What are the 3 main body shapes?
    • 1) Tall & Lanky
    • 2) Average
    • 3) Short & Sturdy
  3. List the 7 common face shapes:
    • 1) Oval
    • 2) Round
    • 3) Square
    • 4) Oblong (Rectangle)
    • 5) Pear (Trapezoid)
    • 6) Diamond
    • 7) Heart (Triangle)
  4. List the 3 sections of the face:
    • 1) Front of hairline to middle of eyebrows,
    • 2) Middle of eyebrows to tip of nose,
    • 3) Tip of nose to tip of chin.
  5. List the 3 different types of profiles:
    • 1) Straight
    • 2) Convex
    • 3) Concave
  6. What are the 3 major design elements?
    Form, Texture, & Color
  7. Repetition:
    (1 of 4 Design Principles)
    A pattern in which an element is identical.
  8. Alteration:
    (2 of 4 Design Principles)
    A pattern in which an element changes from one to another repeatedly.
  9. Progression:
    (3 of 4 Design Principles)
    A pattern in which an element changes gradually in an ascending or desending scale.
  10. Contrast:
    (4 of 4 Design Principles)
    A pattern in which an element has a relationship of opposites that create interest, variety, & excitment.
Card Set
Ch8 Design Decisions
Design Decisions