Patient Care

  1. Emergency:
    Any situation in which the condition of the patient or a change in medical status makes necessary immediate attention and action.
  2. Role of medical imaging professional: (5)
    • -preserve life
    • -avoid further harm to patient
    • -obtain medical assistance ASAP
    • -be able to recognize emergency situation and initiate emergency measures.
    • -demonstrate calm and confident presence.
  3. Emergency priorities: (6)
    • -ensure open airway
    • -control bleeding
    • -prevent/treat shock
    • -attend to wounds or fractures
    • -provide emotional support
    • -continually reeavaluate
  4. Facts on crash cart:
    • -know location
    • -familiarize with contents
    • -availability reduces time to respond to medical crisis
  5. Emergency Equipment includes:
    • -crash cart
    • -oxygen
    • -wall-mounted suction
    • -AED
  6. Oxygen appearance/location:
    located on walls, green in color
  7. 2 types of AED:
    • 1) fully automatic- does all the work
    • 2) smiautomatic- you need to push button to deliver shock
  8. Radiology Emergencies: (8)
    • -shock
    • -anaphylaxis
    • -pulmonary embolism
    • -diabetic reactions
    • -cardiac and respiratory failure
    • -cerebrovascular accident
    • -syncope
    • -seizures
  9. Head injury facts:
    • -assess patients level of consciousness
    • -symptoms may not manifest right away
    • -CT is prefered method of assessment
    • -may have hematoma (blood clot) or brain swelling
  10. Levels of consciousness:
    • -alert and conscious: least severe; respons fully to questions and other stimuli
    • -drowsy: responds to loud speaking and gentle stimuli
    • -unconscious: reacts only to painful stimuli (pinches and pinpricks) and no verbal stimuli
    • -comatose: unresponsive to all stimuli
  11. Know your patient (head injury):
    • -assess patient at beginning of procedure
    • -note signs of deterioration from level to another
    • -deteriorating head injury
  12. Signs of deteriorating situations of consciousness: (5)
    • -irritability
    • -lethargy
    • -slow pulse rate
    • -slow respiratory rate
    • -changes in level of consciousness
  13. Response to deteriorating situations of consciousness: (5)
    • -maintain open airway
    • -minimize motion
    • -stop radiographic procedure
    • -get medical assistance
    • -monitor vital signs
  14. Assessment of level of consciousness: (4)
    • -ask patient to state name, date, address and reason for coming to radiology
    • -note ability of patient to follow commands
    • -access patients vital signs for baseline to note change
    • -changes in patients neurologic status or LOC should never be ignored
  15. Shock:
    Failure of the circulatory system to support vital body functions.
  16. The shock continuum:
    compensatory stage- progressive stage- irreversible stage
  17. Progressive stage symptoms:
    BP falls, tachycardia, chest pain, confused mental state and problems with kidneys, liver, bowel and spleen.
  18. Compensatory stage symptoms:
    clammy skin, decreased urine output, increased respiration and anxiety
  19. Irreversible stage symptoms:
    BP remains low, renal and liver failure, overwehelming lactic acidosis
  20. Classes of Shock:
    • -neurogenic: caused by spinal anesthesis or damage to the upper spinal cord
    • -hypovolemic: results from sudden decrease in intravascular fluid (15-20%)
    • -cardiogenic: caused by hearts failure to pump an adequate supply of blood to vital organs
    • -vasogenic: occurs when pooling of blood takes place in peripheral blood vessels
  21. Result of vasogenic shock:
    • -decreased venous return of blood to heart
    • -decreased BP
    • -decreased tissue perfusion
Card Set
Patient Care
Radiologic Medical Emergencies