
  1. Name the vi editors 3 entry modes.
    Command Mode, Text Entry Mode and Status Line Mode
  2. Name the three kinds or regular files:
    Unstructured ASCII character, Structured ASCII records, Structured ASCII trees.
  3. UNIX/Linux store data as?
    Flat ASCII files
  4. Other name for input from keyboard?
    Standard In (stdin)
  5. Other name for output to monitor?
    Standard Out (stdout)
  6. Explain "touch" command:
    updates a file's time and date stamps & creates empty files
  7. Explain "rmdir" command:
    removes empty directories
  8. Explain "cut" command:
    extracts specific columns or fields from a file
  9. Explain "paste" command:
    combines two or more files
  10. explain "sort" command:
    sorts a file's contents
  11. explain "find" command:
    locates files based on a search criteria
  12. Explain "join" command:
    extracts data from two files sharing a common field and uses this field to join the two files
  13. Explain awk:
    is a pattern-scanning and processing language useful for creating a formatted report with a professional look
  14. Explain "comm" command:
    compares sorted files and shows differences
  15. Explain "diff" command:
    compares and selects the differences in two files
  16. explain "grep" command:
    grep (Global Regular Expression Print) selects lines or rows
  17. explain "head" command:
    selects lines from the beginning of a file
  18. explain "tail" command:
    selects lines from the end of a file
  19. explain "uniq" command:
    selects unique lines or row
  20. Explain "cat" command:
    concatenates files, it also shows files in the stdout/ monitor
  21. explain "chmod" command
    changes the security mode of a file or directory
  22. explain "pr" command
    formats and prints
  23. explain "sed" command
    edits data streams or file editor designed to make global changes to large files
  24. explain "tr" command:
    translates and deletes character by character
  25. what is the command to repeat the line just entered?
    (.) period
  26. what is the command use to undo?
  27. Explain "a" command:
    append below
  28. explain "A" command:
    append above
  29. explain "o" command:
    open below
  30. explain "O" command:
    open above
  31. explain "R" command:
  32. explain "dd." command:
    Delete lines -- saves them into buffer -- copy
  33. explain "p" command:
    paste below
  34. explain "P" command:
    Paste above
  35. explain "x" command:
    delete individual character
  36. explain "yy" command:
    yank - copy
  37. explain ":" command:
    status line
  38. explain ":q!" command:
    Quit w/o saving
  39. explain ":wq" command:
    save and quit
  40. explain ":w filename" command:
    save as
  41. explain "ZZ" command:
    save and exit w/o prompting
  42. explain Standard error (stderr)
    error output to screen/monitor
  43. explain "/" command:
    search forward for a pattern of characters
  44. explain "dw" command:
    delete the word starting at the cursor. if the cursor is in the middle of the word, delete from the cursor to the end of the word
  45. explain "d$" command:
    delete from the cursor to the end of the line
  46. explain "d0" command:
    delete from the cursor to the start of the line
  47. shell scripts should contain?
    the command to execute, comments to identify and explain the script so that other users can understand how it works
  48. explain "#" when used in the vi editor:
    it's used to mark a comment
  49. how to run a shell script?
    "sh" followed by the name of the script or make the script executable and type "./" prior to the script name
Card Set
Guide to UNIX using Linux Chp 3, 4, & 5.