- Griffin beaker
- Various sizes
- Graduated
- NOT accurate for measuring volume
- Used for holding and mixing solutions
- Erlenmeyer flask
- Various sizes
- Graduated
- NOT accurate for measuring volume
- Used for holding and mixing solutions
- Volumetric flask
- Measures ONE volume only
- Increased accuracy
- Increased glass volume
- Graduated cylinder
- Various sizes
- Graduated
- Increased accuracy
- Choose smalles that'll hold
- Cuvette
- Fancy test tube
- Increased glass quality
- Measure in spectrophotometry by measuring amount of light transmitted thru a solution or absorbed by a solution and calculating concentration
- Plastic Transfer Pipette
- Disposable
- NOT used for measuring
- Pasteur Pipette
- Transfer Pipette
- Glass with a bulb, disposable
- Remove serum or plasma from tube of blood
- NOT for measuring
- Serological pipette
- Glass
- Graduated
- Various sizes
- Use with a bulb or pump
- Fairly accurate, precise for most uses when measuring volume
- Volumetric pipette
- Glass
- Bulge in the midde
- Measures ONE volume only
- Most accurate, but most $$$$$
TC = ________________
TD = ________________
- TC = To Contain
- TD = To Deliver
- Automatic Pipette
- AKA Micro Pipette
- Measures very small quantities
- Measures ONE volume only
- Primarily in ul
- Disposable tip
- Microscope
- Oculars magnify 10X
- Objective lens magnify 4X, 10X, 40X, 100X
- Final magnification - Oculars x Objective lens
Blood is centrifuged ____________ rpm/ ________ min
Urine is centrifuged ________ rpm/ ________ min
Wet Chem Analyzer
Spectophotomoeter which measures CSF, TP
Dry Chem Analyzer
- Vet Test and AEVH, IDEXX
- $$$$$
- Measures glucose, electrolytes, ALT, UN, creatinine
Wright's Stain/Diff Quick
Hemo, cytology
- New Methylene Blue
- Hemo, retics, cytology, U/A
Gram Stain
Micro (bacteria)
Lactophenol Cotton Blue
Micro (molds)
Quality Control
- Quality Assurance
- Ensures the accuracy of results
Log of quality control important because
- AAHA requirements
- Detect trend in values
2 general ways to preserve pt. specimens
Most blood chemistries are run on ______ to avoid _________ interference
(the exception is __________)
- Serum
- Anticoagulant
- Lithium Heparin
Lab technique used to measure concentration of a solution by the intensity of it's color
Beer's Law
The concentration of a solution is directly proportional to the amount of light absorbed by that solution and is inversly proportional to the amount of light transmitted thru the solution
4 different cuvettes needed for the spectrophotometer
- 1. Blank
- 2. Standard
- 3. Control
- 4. Patient
Blank cuvette
Contains reagent only. Used to Calibrate the machine to 100% transmitence.
Standard Cuvette
Standard solution only that has known concentration
Control Cuvette
Reagent + control solution, has an acceptable range of values
Patient Cuvette
Reagent + Serum