Physiology final

  1. which blood vessels carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart
    pulmonary vein
  2. what is the function of the lymphatic system
    returns fluids and proteins from interstitial fluids into the blood
  3. what happens in the heart during sytolic/diastolic
    • Diastole: relaxation of the heart muscle (usually refers to the filling of the ventricles with blood)
    • Systole: contraction of heart muscle (usually refers to ejection of blood from ventricles into the pulmonary artery or aorta)
  4. how is the HR calculated from an ECG
    60/R-R interval (convert R-R into seconds)
  5. what is the sequence of the heart contraction/relaxtion
  6. what is pulse pressure
  7. what is a pancreas's job
    secretes hormones and digestive juices
  8. what blood disorders increase blood viscosity
  9. P wave function and is it deplorization or re polarization
    Represents depolarization of the atria.
  10. T wave function and is it deplorization or re polarization
    Represents repolarization of the ventricles.
  11. QRS COMPLEX function and is it deplorization or re polarization
    Represents depolarization of the ventricles
  12. PR interval function and is it deplorization or re polarization
    Interval from the first atrial depolarization to the beginning of the Q wave. It decreases when heart rate increases, and vice versa
  13. what causes the 1st heart sound"lub"?
    The AV valve closing
  14. what are some characteristics of the small intestines
  15. where in the GI tract are the digested nutrients mainly absorbed
    small intestines
  16. why does inflammatory drugs cause stomach upset
  17. In equine, what part of the GI tract has adapted for fermentation of complex carbs
    the rumen
  18. what is the pulmonary circulation route
  19. what does the stomach secrete
    • digestive juices
    • EX: gastrin, intrinsic factor,pepsinogen,histamine,HCL
  20. what does the duodenum do? what does it secrete?
    • digests chyme.
    • it secretes an alkaline fluid
  21. what part of the stomach controls gastric emptying
    the small intestines but more specifically intestinal hormones
  22. what cells in the stomach secrete hydrochloric acid
    gastrin stimulates parietal cells
  23. what is a heart block? what is happening in the heart?
    • any interruption of impulses transmitted through the heart.
    • The ventricles are able to beat without these impulses, but the rate is slower. Consequently, the atria continue to beat at a normal rate, but the ventricles beat slower
  24. what hormone does the stomach secrete to stimulate acid secretion
  25. what process enables glucose absorbtion from the small intestines into the blood
    facilitated diffusion
  26. where in the GI tract are the digested nutrients mainly absorbed
  27. what are the functions of the digestive system
    breaking down and absorbing nutrients
  28. what is rumination
    consists of regurgitation (returning food to the mouth), remastication (chewing again), reinsalivation, and reswallowing.
  29. Bloat
    failure to remove excess gas from the rumen
  30. rumen acidosis
    a sudden increase in acidity
  31. why would a sudden diet change from high roughage to a high concentrate kill the ruminant animal...what is happening?
    because a sudden acid change from 7 to 5 kills the bacteria in the stomach that digests cellulose. this increase in acid will cause rumen acidosis which inhibits motility of the reticuorumen
  32. what are the components/jobs of bile
    • bile salts- emulsification of fat and aid digestion by pancreatic lipase
    • bilirubin-
    • cholesterol-
    • electrolytes-
    • phospholipid lecithin-
  33. what murmur occurs if the semi lunar valve fails to close during distole because if valvular insufficiency
  34. what is the term that describes a condition which the heart valve cant open completely
    Valvular stenosis
  35. which valve preventsblood from regurgitating from the R ventricle into the R atrium
    R AV valve
  36. why does the atria and the ventricles function as one unit
    Cardiac (heart) muscle is striated, mononucleated (single nucleus per cell) and involuntary. Its fibers are interconnected for rapid transmission of impulses
  37. lidocaine treats what heart condition
    ventricular tachycardia
  38. a patient who has heart enlargement on one side shows what on an ECG
    abnormally large S waves and a diminished R wave of the QRS complex
  39. Heart rate*stroke volume=cardiac output
  40. what do diretics do to the body
  41. where does the exchange of substances occur between blood and intersital fluid
  42. what causes the regulation of blood pressure and flow of blood into the capillaries
    arterioles regulate blood pressure
  43. what stimulates bi carbonate secretion by the pancreas
  44. what role does pancreatic lipase play in digestion
  45. pulmonary circulation route
    • right atrium
    • right AV valve (tricuspid valve)
    • right ventricle
    • right semilunar valve (pulmonary valve)
    • pulmonary artery
    • lungs
    • pulmonary vein
    • left atrium
    • left AV valve (mitral valve)
    • left ventricle
    • left semilunar valve (aortic valve)
    • aorta
    • body (arteries)
    • arterioles
    • capillaries
    • venules
    • cranial & caudal vena cava
    • back to right atrium
  46. ventricular fibrilation
    disorganized, ineffective contraction of ventricular muscle
Card Set
Physiology final
final for purdue university physiology part 1