1. What are the key words for FLAW?
    • -vulnerable to criticism
    • -questionable because
    • -error of reasoning
    • -fails to demonstrate
    • -overlooks
    • -flawed
  2. What are the task for FLAW questions?
    • - Tend to ask what is the mistake or assumption or causation (A caused B/ B->A)
    • - The answer will describe the assumption or conclusions problem
    • - Find the disconnects btw the evid. & the concl// classic errors
  3. What are the key words for Strengthen?
    • - Strengthen
    • - Most strongly supports the authors
    • - Justify
  4. What are the task for STRENGTHEN questions?
    • - Support the assumption
    • - Strengthen Except q's wont just weaken, it can be: 180/oos/etc.
    • - The answer will make concl more likely to follow from the evid
  5. What are the key words for WEAKEN?
    • - Undermines
    • - Most Weakens
    • - Calls into question
  6. What are the task for WEAKEN questions?
    • - Weaken attack the assumption
    • - Causal: the causal is reversed/ alternative cause
    • - Connections btw the two (open your scope on your idea on the scope)
  7. What are the key words for ASSUMPTION?
    • -Assumed
    • -Assumption
    • -Pressuppose
  8. What are the task for ASSUMPTION questions?
    • -The answer will have the conclusion
    • -Any unstated fact that MUST BE true
    • -NECESSARY: 1 central assumpt./ depends~require
    • -SUFFICIENT: 2-3 assumptions
    • -Bridge the gap btw the evidence & the conclusion
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