
  1. Civil Commitment laws
    Legal proceedings that determine a person is mentally disordered and may be hospitalized, even involuntarily
  2. Insanity and Insanity defense
    Insanity is the legal term for those with a mental disorder that doesn't allow the person to know or appreciate the wrongfullness of criminal acts. Insanity defense is the legal plea that the defendent should not be held liablit due to said disorder.
  3. Duty to warn
    Mental health professional's responsibility to break confidentiality and notify the potential victim whom a client has specifically threatened.
  4. Clinical Efficacy (axis) v Clinical Utility (axis)
    CE: One of a proposed set of guidelines for evaluating clinical interventions on the evidence of their effectiveness.

    CU: One of a proposed set of guidelines for evaluating clinical interventions by whether they can be aplied effectiviely and cost effectively in real clinical settings.
  5. Criminal commitment
    Legal procedure by which a person who is found not guilty of a crime by reason of insanity must be confined in a psychiatric hospital
  6. Dangerousness
    Tendency to violence that, contrary to popular opinion, is not more likely among mental patients.
  7. Diminished capacity
    Evidence of an abnormal mental condition in a person that cuases criminal charges against hiim or her that require intent or knowledge to be reduced to lesser offenses requiring only reckless or criminal neglect.
  8. Expert witness
    Person who because of special training and experience is allowed to offer opinion testimony in legal trials.
  9. Malingering
    Deliberate faking of a physical or psychological disorder motivated by gain (in this chapter to gain insanity plea)
  10. Transinstitutionalization
    Movement of people with severe mental illness from large psychiatric hospitals to smaller group residences.
Card Set
chapter 18