Enclosure Movement
- Ca. 1650-1850
- Who: the fencing in of fields (raise efficiency) lower peasants
- Whats:
- Insisted that lands be enclosed(increase effectiveness)-->common pastureland too
- Peasants used common land--> graze livestock (now can’t)
- Opposed movement- allies with noble landowners
- Land owners opposed b’c large investments for buying/fencing land
- Whys:
- Common “ground” for poor rich to unite
- Oppression of peasants
Putting-Out System
- Ca. 1650-1850
- Who: b/w merchants and cottage workers(made goods from home)
- Whats:
- Merchants provided materials for workers to make things
- (assembly line style)
- M paid worked by piece and make profit at market
- Grew b/c rural workers need work-even for low wage
- M decided on standard-->many products (not for rich!)
- Whys:
- M making profits(taking advantage)
- 1700- England relied on this system
Industrious Revolution
Ca. 1650-1850
- Who: shift from cottage industry to increasing wages/# of goods produced
- Whats:
- Stepped up pace of work and to wage work
- Worked longer hours and higher discipline-->more goods@lower prices
- Women earn own wages-->bigger role in household decisions
- Used $ to buy things no longer produced
- Whys:
- Surplus of food/$ to better economy
- All members get $, not fam business
The Guild Sysstem
- Originate 1200’s, grow 1672
- Who: trade-based organizations, monopoly over trade/workers
- Whats:
- Received set of privileges: monopoly, train own pplRestricted membership to upper class (Christian, experience, pay $)
- ?Ed tech innovation (progress/outmoded/exclusionary)
- Allowed for workers to be partners/ women to participate..later
- Whys:
- Contradicts Enlightenment
- Allowed eq for women
Adam Smith
- 1723-1790
- Who:prof of philospophy, Scottish Englightenment, creator of economic liberalism
- Whats:
- published "Inquiry into Nature and causes of wealth of nations"(1776)-criticize guilds (outmoded)
- believed in free comp.-protect consumers from higer prices/equal chances
- limited gov:defense against invasion, civil order, sponsor public works
- established economic liberalism-comp-->better living conditions
- Whys:
- enlightenment?? YES
- believed in happiness for everyone; eq in opportunity
Navigation Acts
- 1651, 1660-1663
- Who: mercantile system, goal to raise military power/private wealth (monopoly->won)
- Whats:
- Established by Oliver Cromwell (1651) and Charles II- British ships/who owned
- Monopolized trade with new world colonies(buy ALL from GB)
- Targeted Dutch: Anglo-Dutch wars(3)(1652-1674) downfall of Netherlands
- Rivaled with France for naval power/overseas expansion
- Whys:
- Only buying from GB? America’s won’t be happy for long
- Sounds like absolutism
Colonial Wars
- 1701-1713;1740-1748(1756-1763){1753-1759}
- Who: series of wars caused by Britains want for power
- Whats:
- Louis xiv forced to give GB: Newfoundland, nova scotia, and Hudson bay (war of Spanish succession)
- Maria Teresa held her own and kept territory-->GB give up in Europe
- B/F waged war over Canada (out#ed but great leader-->1758)
- William Pitt commanded B forces to attack F by sea--> victory
- Whys:
- World domination/power hungry
- France=out of North America
1763 Treaty of Paris
- 1763
- who: treaty about New world colonies between france and Britain(SPain)
- whats:France lost canada and east of Mississippi River to B
- F gave Spain Louisiana(compensation for loss of Florida to B)
- F gave up holdings in India(to B)
- B monopolized vast trading/colonial empire
- Whys:
f=pushovers- b=major power
Atlantic Slave Trade
(1701-1800; 1780=peak)
who: slave trade dominated by Britain
- whatS:rose with rise of agri production (cotton/sugar)
- sent little boats to shore--> african dealers
- A dealers relished in new wealth--> buy European products
- 1780s cabolition campaign grew (women-immorality)
- whys:viicous circle- a dealers buy more, need for slaves increase, a dealers more money
- unstoppable force
- horror
English East India Company
who: England working towards monopolizing India trade
- whats:1716 Mughal emperor conceded to trading privileges for Britain
- rivaled against France for india (treaty of paris--> Britain)
- defeated Mughal emperor (1764)= only title, no power
- Robert Clive ascended as first British gov general of Bengal
- whys:more control?!
- kicked everyone out- dutch, french, mughal
- india= "jewel" of empire