Moro reflex
- The infants head and trunk are allowed to drop back 30 degrees when the infant isin a slightly raised position. Infant;s arms and legs extend and abduct, with fingers fanning open and thumbs and forefingers forming a C postion. Legs may also extend and then
- Stops at 5-6 months
Palmar Grasp reflex
- Infant's palm is touched near the base of the fingers. Hand closes into a tight fist. Weak or absent if the infant has damage to the nerves of the arms
- Stops at 2-3 months
Plantar grasp reflex
- Similar to palmar grasp reflex. area below the toes is touch the infant's toes curl over the nure's finger.
- Stops at 8-9 months
Babinski reflex
- Elicited by stroking the lateral sole of infant's foot from the heel foward and across the ball of the foot. Causes toes to flare outward and the big toe to dorsiflex
- Stops at 12 months
Rooting reflex
- Infant's cheek is touched near mouth, the head turns toward the side thats been stroked. Do not do simultaneously because it will confuse the infant
- Stops at 3 months
Sucking reflex
- Mouth or palate is touched by the nipple or a finger, the infant begins to suck. Sucking not appropriate if swallowing is not heard
- Never stops
Tonic neck reflex
- Psture assumed by newborns when in a supine position. Infant extends the arm and leg on the side to which the head is turned and flexes the extremities on other side. Refered to as "fencing reflex"
- Stops at 4 months, may be weak at birth
Stepping reflex
- Occurs when infants are held upright with feet touching a solid surface. They lift one foot and then the other giving the appreance that they are trying to walk
- Stops at 3-4 month
Gallant (trunk incurvation)
- With infant prone. lightly stroke alog side of vertebral column. Entire trunk should flex toward side stimulated.
- Stops at 1 month
Cold Stress: Conduction
Heat loss from direct contact with a cooler surface.
Vitamin K
Given to prevent hemorrhagic disorders. Does not produce until day 8. Not produced because intestines are sterile.
Mongolian spots
Bluish Black marks that resemble bruises, frequently found on sacrum. More in darker skin babes.
Jitteriness, weak high pitched cry and lethargy.
Blood Sugar high (110-120)
Respirtatory distress
Nasal flaring, retractions, and grunting.
Vernix caseosa
Thick white substance that resembles cream cheese. More on premature babies.
Hep B
Given in Vastus lateralis which is anterior thigh for babies
Erythromycin eye drops
Given to help opthalmia neonatorum in case the mother is infected with gonorrhea or chlamydia which often occur together
Cold Stress: Convection
Heat from infants body to air
Unuseable components of hemalized errythrocytes. Excreted through stools. Jaunice is normal for 2-3 days. Pathologic jaundice is bad=first day yellow! Physiologic if after 24 hours= can be normal with breastfeeding.
Drug used with premature babies to simulate surfactant. Give it twice 24 hrs apart.
Foramen ovale
When pressure in left atrium is higher than in right
Port-wine Stain
Reddish purple mark that does not branch with pressure. Never goes away.
Stork bite
Reddish on eyelids and does fade
Collection of blood between suture lines. More apt to get jaundice
Avoid placing a baby's crib near a window on a snowy day.
Moisture from blanket or wet hair changing to a cooler temperature
Brown Fat
metabolized and used for heat. Premature babies don't have these