Science - Chapter 2 Learning Targets

  1. List the 6 characteristics of all living things.
    • -DNA
    • -Grow & Develp
    • -Use Energy
    • -Have cells
    • -Adapt to Environment
    • -Reproduce
  2. Describe 3 examples of stimuli for plants and animals
    • - Sunlight
    • - Chemicals
    • - Sound
  3. Describe 2 examples of homeostasis and explain why it's needed.
    • - Pupils dilating when light turns on and off
    • - Sweating after running

    Homeostasis is needed to keep the body stable
  4. What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction?
    • Asexual : Single parent produces offspring, the child has the same characteristics as parents
    • Sexual: 2 parents produce offspring and their child takes characteristics from both parents
  5. Recognize 1 example of asexual and 1 example of sexual reproduction.
    Asexual: Bacteria

    Sexual: Humans with a child
  6. Describe the function of DNA.
    The function of DNA is to give information throughout your body.
  7. Explain the difference between unicellular and multicellular organisms.
    Unicellular: Only one cell

    Multicellular: Many cells
  8. Explain how growth occurs in unicellular and multicellular organisms.
    Unicellular: Cells get larger

    Multicellular: Increase the number of cells
  9. List the 4 basic necessities of life.
    • -Food
    • -Water
    • -Shelter
    • -Air
  10. What 2 things are provided by food?
    Energy and repairs the cells
  11. Give examples of producers, consumers, and decomposers.
    • Producers: Plants
    • Consumers: Animals
    • Decomposers: Fungi
  12. Why is water is so necessary for life?
    70% of an organism is composed of water and we could only survive without water for 3 days.
  13. What are the 4 most common elements in living things?
    • -Carbon
    • -Hydrogen
    • -Nitrogen
    • -Oxygen
  14. What is the second most abundant material in cells?
  15. What is the subunit of proteins and where do animals get them?
    • Subunits: Amino Acids
    • Animals get proteins by breaking down the proteins in food and digesting them
  16. What are 4 functions of proteins?
    • -Form Structures
    • -Distribute Oxygen
    • -Speed Up Chemical Reactions
    • -Protect Cells
  17. What is the function of enzymes?
    Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in the body
  18. What are the 2 functions of carbohydrates?
    • -Stores energy
    • -Source of energy
  19. What are the subunits of carbohydrates and how do animals get them?
    Subunits: Sugar molecules

    Animals get carbohydrates by eating
  20. What's the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates?
    Simple: 1 or 2 sugar molecules

    Complex: Hundreds of sugar molecules
  21. What complex carbohydrate do plants use to store excess carbohydrates?
  22. What is the complex carbohydrate that animals use for storage and where is it stored?
    Glycogen is stored in the liver
  23. What is the complex carbohydrate made by plants that is so strong that humans cannot digest it?
  24. Explain how to test for starch.
    Put a drop of iodine on the object and if it turns black then there's starch, if it's orange there's no starch
  25. What is a lipid? What are 2 functions of lipids?
    • A lipid is a substance that cannot mix with water
    • It stores energy and forms cell membranes
  26. What lipids are made by plants and what form do they take at room temperature?
    • Oils
    • Room temperature = Liquids
  27. What lipids are made by animals and form do they take at room temperature?
    • Fats
    • Room temperature = Solids
  28. Which type of lipid is healthier for people?
    Oils because they aren't saturated
  29. Why are phospholipids important to your cells?
    They make the cell membranes
  30. What is a nucleic acid? Give 1 example.
    • A nucleic acid has subunits called nucleotides
    • Example : DNA
  31. What is ATP? How is it produced?
    ATP is they major currency of energy in the body. It's produced by breaking down glucose.
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Science - Chapter 2 Learning Targets
Science - Unit 1