
  1. parasite
    an organism that lives within, upon, or at the expense of another organism (host)
  2. pseudoparasite
    false parasite (dust, pollen, hair, etc.)
  3. spurious parasite
    parasite infesting a host that is not its normal host; also called accidental parasite or incidental parasite
  4. host
    organism from wchich a parasite obtains its nourishment
  5. intermediate host
    host in which a parasite undergoes a stage in its development (usually larval or non-reproductive stage)
  6. biological vector
    arthropod (insect, tick, etc.) in whose body the parasite develops or multiplies before becoming infective and spread to another organism
  7. mechanical vector
    temporary host needed to spread the parasite but is not needed in order for it to mature (ex: fly trasmits eggs from one host to another on its feet)
  8. helminth
    worm-like animals, either free0living or parasitic belonging to the Phyla Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Acanthocephala (spiny-headed worms), Nemathelminthes (threadworm or roundworm), or Annelida (segmented worm)
  9. anthelminthic, anthelmintic
    agent that destroys parasitic intestinal worms
  10. insecticide
    agent that kills insects
  11. acaricide
    agent that kills ticks and mites
  12. prepatent period
    period between the time of introduction of a parasite organism into the body and its first appearance in the blood or tissue
  13. patent period
    "Open period" - period of elimination of ova or young parasites
  14. acariasis, acarinosis, acaridiasis
    any disease caused by a mite or acarid
  15. ascariasis
    condition resulting from infestation by the Ascarid family
  16. myiasis
    condition resulting from infestation by larvae (maggots) of flies
  17. McMaster Technique
    quick, simple quantitative technique for counting parasite eggs in ruminant feces, based on floatation of concentrated salt solutions in a counting chamber, much like a hemocytometer
  18. Baermann Technique
    laboratory method for separating parasite larvae from feces, soil, or herbage for counting or indentification
  19. ectoparasite
    parasite living on the surface of the host's body
  20. endoparasite
    parasite that lives within the host's body
  21. transplacental
    literally "through the placenta" - penetration of the placenta by an organism, toxin, or chemical that would affect the fetus
  22. prenatal
    before birth
  23. transmammary
    transmission of an organism, toxin, or chemical from mother to young via the milk
  24. proglottid
    one of the segments making up the body of a tapeworm
  25. hydatid cyst
    cyst formed in the tissues resulting from the development of certain tapeworms, may grow to enormous size over a period of years
  26. microfilaria
    larva of worms in the superfamily Filariodea, found in the blood and/or tissues of animals infected with the adult worms
  27. trophozoite
    active, motile feeding stage of flagellate protozoa such as Giardia spp.
  28. oocyst
    resistant stage of the life cycle of coccidial parasites, can survive for long periods of time, under appropriate conditions it can mature and become infective
Card Set
parasite definitions